[jianjianjiantong] it’s real! Since March, the project manager face attendance officially started! Previously, it was stipulated that those who did not perform their duties should be put on file for investigation! Absent, ordered to suspend business for 1 year!

Jianjiantong media ID: jianzhong001 source: housing and construction departments of various provinces and cities, finishing: duchuan management research department, face recognition attendance has been officially launched in three regions since March 1! Haiyan: if the project manager is absent from work, 12 points will be deducted, and he will be ordered to stop practicing for one year


Before that, the housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province issued the “Haiyan County construction site key post personnel attendance measures (Trial)”, which also requires the implementation of real name attendance system at the construction site


Jinhua: those who are not on duty should be put on file for investigation! Ningxia: if the attendance rate of project manager is less than 40%, the construction enterprise shall be investigated! Those who change personnel without authorization shall be treated as winning the bid by fraud! Nanjing: daily face attendance, exit within 4 hours is invalid! Qinghai: if the project manager asks for leave, he shall be approved by the construction unit


If there is no false slip, he shall be deemed not to be on duty! Changsha: all projects with personnel not on duty and not performing their duties in place will be shut down


Xuzhou: the monthly attendance rate of project manager and director shall not be less than 80%! If the circumstances are serious, market access will be restricted in the whole city


Nantong: the project manager’s monthly on-the-job time shall not be less than 80% of the construction time! Zhangzhou: the project manager is not on duty for a long time and is ordered to be replaced within 10 working days


On January 25, Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development of Fujian Province announced that the project manager is proposed to be included in the municipal “blacklist” due to his long-term absence, and is ordered to be replaced within 10 working days and complete the change procedures of “project supervision system”


The housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau has issued suspension notices to 13 projects


A project manager is required to change within 10 days due to long-term absence! Source: integrated in the network, the pictures and copyright belong to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete Long press QR code to follow us ▶▶▶。



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