Let’s see! This province issued an announcement: the second construction examination is not limited to majors!

Jianjiantong media ID: jianzhong001 the registration time of grade II Construction Engineer in 2021 has been announced


Up to now, the registration time of grade II Construction Engineer in 14 places has been announced, and the examination time of grade II Construction Engineer in 19 places has been determined


Today’s new information: ① Guangxi: the registration time of the second construction has been announced; ② Jilin: the registration time of the second construction has been announced; ③ Jiangsu: the registration time of the second construction has been announced; Guangxi: the registration time of the second construction has been announced, and all personnel have to re register


On March 11, 2021, Guangxi personnel examination network issued the notice on examination work of the 2021 Guangxi second class constructor qualification examination, which clearly stated: 2021 Registration and examination time of Guangxi Second Construction Co., Ltd


Examination time: May 29 and 30, 2021 registration time: March 12, 2021 8:00-march 18, 2021 17:00 payment time: March 12, 2021 8:00-march 18, 2021 17:00 qualification examination: notification commitment system + on-site verification announcement required on-site verification time: March 24, 2021, on-site verification time: March 30 and 31, examination permit printing time: May 24, 2021 8:00-march 30, 2021 9:05 Details ☟☟☟ 1


Examination time and subjects note: the subjects of “professional engineering management and practice” include construction engineering, highway engineering, water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, mining engineering, municipal public engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, a total of 6 majors


Candidates can choose one or two according to the actual situation, registration conditions and levels (1) those who abide by the law and have engineering or engineering economics secondary specialized degree or above Education background and engaged in construction management of construction projects for at least 2 years, you can apply for the qualification examination of Guangxi level II construction engineer


The registration level is “three subjects (not eligible for exemption)”


(2) Those who meet the registration conditions and one of the following conditions can be exempted from the corresponding subjects: 1


Those who have intermediate or above professional and technical qualifications and have been engaged in construction management of construction projects for 15 years can be exempted from the subject examination of construction management of construction projects


Apply for the subject of “test two subjects (meet the exemption conditions)”




If you have obtained the first-class project manager qualification certificate and have intermediate or above professional and technical qualification; or if you have obtained the first-class project manager qualification certificate and have been engaged in construction management of construction project for 15 years, you may be exempted from the subject examination of “construction management of construction project” and “construction regulations and related knowledge”


The registration level is “test one subject (meet the test exemption conditions)”


(3) The personnel who have obtained the qualification of a professional level II constructor can choose another examination of professional engineering management and practice according to the actual needs of work


After passing the examination, the corresponding professional qualification certificate will be issued, which will be used as the basis for increasing the professional category in registration


The registration level is “additional major”


3、 Registration related matters registration personnel login Guangxi personnel examination network( www.gxpta.com.cn )”Guangxi professional and technical personnel qualification examination registration service platform” according to the requirements of online registration


Candidates should complete the user registration as soon as possible


Before registration, they should carefully read the registration instructions, carefully understand the registration conditions of the examination, the certification obligations and certification contents required to meet the registration conditions, the contents of the candidates’ promises, the possible responsibilities of false promises, the verification power of the examination organization and the cooperation obligations of the candidates


In order to reduce the pressure of epidemic prevention and control caused by the cross regional flow of candidates, candidates should register at their place of work and residence to take the examination


(1) The system of notification and commitment of registration certificate items 1


The system of notification and commitment of registration certificate items of this examination is implemented


Candidates must promise that they have known the certification obligations and certification contents required for registration, that they have met the conditions for registration, that the information they filled in is true, accurate, complete and effective, that they are willing to accept the verification of the examination organization, and that they are willing to bear the legal responsibility for false promises and accept the treatment




The notification and commitment system is not applicable to those who have made false promises in the registration of qualification examination, and those who have serious or particularly serious violations of discipline and regulations in accordance with the provisions on the handling of violations of discipline and regulations in qualification examination for professional and technical personnel (Order No


31 of the Ministry of human resources and social security), and who have been recorded in the integrity archives of qualification examination and are within the record period


(2) Verification and supervision the examination organization checks and supervises the candidates in accordance with the law and regulations, checks the candidates’ promises in various ways before, during and after the examination, and implements daily supervision by means of random sampling and key supervision


(3) Before the examination, if the examination organization finds that the candidates do not meet the requirements, the registration will be invalid, and the paid fees will not be returned




After the examination, if the examination organization finds that the candidates do not meet the requirements in the verification or daily supervision, the examination results of all subjects will be invalid if they have obtained the examination results; if they have obtained the qualification certificate or performance certificate, the qualification certificate or performance certificate will be invalid




Applicants who provide false proof materials or obtain corresponding qualification certificates or performance certificates by other improper means shall be punished according to Article 10 and Article 12 of the provisions on handling disciplinary violations in qualification examination for professional and technical personnel (Order No


31 of the Ministry of human resources and social security)


Those suspected of committing crimes shall be transferred to judicial organs according to law


(4) Registration process and related work schedule 1


Registration process


Users register, read the “registration notes”, fill in and submit the registration information, upload the electronic version of the certification materials, sign the “letter of commitment”, confirm the registration information, payment, on-site verification


(1) User registration


The online registration system has been upgraded (the upgrade of the system does not affect the original scores of candidates)


All candidates are required to re register and fill in their personal identity, education background and degree information


(2) Read the notes for application


After carefully reading the “registration notes”, the candidates enter the registration information entry interface


(3) Fill in and submit registration information


Candidates fill in and submit the registration information as required in the online registration system


Those with “*” in the information items filled in are required


The personal contact information (including mobile phone number, e-mail address, detailed correspondence address, etc.) submitted by the candidates will be used as the effective delivery address confirmed by themselves for the examination documents (including but not limited to various notices, notifications, processing decisions, etc.)


When the relevant document is sent to any valid address for service, it shall be deemed to have been served


If the personal contact information is changed, you must log in the registration system to modify the contact information in time


(4) Upload electronic certification materials


All candidates must upload the electronic version of diploma and degree certificate (scan the graduation certificate and upload the degree certificate to the registration system)


(5) Sign the letter of commitment


Candidates should carefully read the letter of commitment for notification of registration certificate of professional and technical personnel qualification examination, and sign the letter of commitment (electronic text) in electronic form


Once it is submitted, it has legal effect and is not allowed to make commitment on behalf of others


(6) Confirm the registration information


Candidates need to confirm the registration information by themselves


Once confirmed, they cannot change it


Candidates should check carefully to ensure that the information is true, accurate, complete and effective


(7) Payment


After the registration information is confirmed, the candidates will pay online


(8) On site verification


Applicants who do not apply to the notification commitment system and fail to pass the verification must accept on-site verification


At the end of the payment time, the candidates who have to accept on-site verification will be announced on the Guangxi personnel examination website


All candidates should check the published information in time to confirm whether they need to conduct on-site verification


If necessary, they should go through the procedures according to the published requirements




Related work schedule


(1) Online registration, payment time.



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