Wechat and wechat: selected questions and answers on construction finance and Taxation (20190126)

Is there any problem? 6


All the audio and video (PPT) materials of this course can be found according to the following figure: This course explains the six fiscal and tax issues that netizens pay attention to from January 20 to January 26, 2019: 1


Is it reasonable? The voice explanation is as follows:  welcome to forward, welcome to like, welcome to watch, and volunteer to reward!    。


There are many people in the property company, in addition to those who can sign part-time contracts, there are more than 100 people, many of whom do not need social security, and they are illegal


How to deal with this situation? 2 Part time work in B, wages are also paid in B, the employee’s wages include wages and travel subsidies (do form payment), travel subsidies to pay personal tax? 3


The monthly sales of less than 100000 yuan are exempt from value-added tax


The concrete company will issue a 3% invoice for the processing fee, aggregate and auxiliary materials


Will the construction engineering company need to pay tax in advance if its monthly sales are more than 100000 yuan and quarterly sales are less than 300000 yuan? 5


Under what circumstances can migrant workers’ fees be divided into attendance, made into payment form, hit migrant workers’ personal card


The other party is the construction party, and has signed a contract with the other party, but the leader of the advance payment to the other party must make a loan receipt instead of a receipt, saying that the money is lent to him


In order to increase the input deduction, the concrete is purchased by the construction enterprise itself, and then the concrete company is entrusted to process the concrete


If the labor subcontracting contract is signed, does it have to be invoiced and then paid? Can it be done in the form of attendance and no invoice? 4



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