Red minimalist architecture on Yuanmingyuan Road in Shanghai

From a close view, there is a great difference between the upper and lower facades


The facade style of the building above the third floor is minimalist and modern


The wall decoration of the new and old buildings is compared


The brick and wood structure system is adopted in the building


The original building is a rectangular layout in east-west direction, which is about 40m along the long side of Beijing East Road and 23m along the short side of Yuanmingyuan Road


The building is bright in color, which contrasts with other Beige stone buildings in the Bund area


On the facade, the South and East walls of the bottom three floors retain the Queen Anne style decoration and modeling of the original building facade, and make further repairs, as well as optimize the local standard modular window opening Location


The new “new” aspect has added 8.5M deep underground room space, and the original three storey building has been transformed into a 14 storey building with a height of 60M, and the lower part of the lower part is a business


From the Northeast perspective of Meifeng building, the volume of the tower is advanced and retreated with the pane as the module unit


On the north side, the former ampere building is a three story brick and wood structure building built in 1907 with British classical style


The original Yifeng building on Yuanmingyuan Road} the original Yifeng building and Meifeng building on Yuanmingyuan Road} the corner facade details of historical buildings preserved and repaired


On the west side, the former Zhongshi building is a six story reinforced concrete structure building built in 1929 with compromise style and neoclassical style


The tiger window and brick carving details on the fourth floor are preserved and repaired


The blue glass also forms a color contrast with the red exterior wall


After the first three floors are built, one floor is added locally


The original Meifeng building adopts the “combination of old and new” mode in the transformation mode


In the far intersection of the building, you can see the top of the tower with red clay brick facade, and the newly built tower with a height of 60m in recent years It is also rare near the Bund block


In the aspect of “old”, the south main facade and the East secondary facade of the old building are retained and repaired and maintained, which is the design response to preserve the style of the historical block along the street and the response to the continuation of the context


The former Meifeng building is a Queen Anne style building built in 1897, which is a legacy of the Bund source block One of the historical buildings built in the earlier period


On the east side of the Meifeng building on Old Summer Palace Road, the Mei Fung Building keeps the historical building walls and new building walls, as well as the “new” aspect of the southern main building of the Oriental Pearl Tower Mei Feng building, far away from Pudong


In 2020, we can see that all the construction and maintenance facilities around the building will be demolished and the building will be in normal use


David Chipperfield, the “most minimalist architect”, also designed the West Bank Art Museum in Shanghai and the Liangzhu Culture Museum in Hangzhou, all of which are simple square volume and architectural space


The original Zhongshi building and Meifeng building on Beijing East Road} the original Zhongshi building and Meifeng building on Beijing East Road} the southern facade of the preserved and repaired historical buildings} the standard section of the southern facade of the preserved and repaired historical buildings} the southern facade of Meifeng building with pedestrians passing by


The upper part is a simple square window opening, with vertical wall columns from four floors to the top of the building, and the horizontal line wall surface is interrupted by vertical wall columns, forming an emphasis square Looking from the axial direction, the glass surface reflects the blue sky, forming a very flat reflective surface


It is difficult to reconstruct the building while retaining the walls of the original buildings on the South and east sides In terms of the landmark of the building, the response to the style of historical buildings, the spatial relationship between urban buildings, the curtain wall construction quality of the building itself, the scheme design has a good reflection and response, which is a very high-quality building as a whole.


In the large scale of urban space, the landmark of the new reconstruction building is very strong


The color of the upper and lower red walls is slightly different from that of the old and the new


The first and second floor window openings and wall decoration details of the east wall of Meifeng building and the original ampere building on Yuanmingyuan Road


The overall building volume is divided into four sections horizontally, with a ratio of 3:3:5:3 from the bottom to the top, The volume of the upper building is reduced step by step with the window frame as the modulus, forming the overall slender building volume of 60m height; the facade of the fourth to fourteenth floors is decorated with red clay brick, with neat and simple square window openings, continuing the window modulus and window wall ratio of the bottom three floors, and the top floor of the building is higher than the standard floor, so as to show the special space at the top of the building


On the facade of the building, the exterior wall is built with fair faced red brick, which is divided into three horizontal sections by layer line; the height of the facade of the third floor is about 15m, mainly with continuous arc-shaped windows, the equidistant vertical facade wall columns have a sense of sequence and form, and the window lintel has exquisite brick carvings and mountain flowers; the top is built with three tiger windows, red brick masonry, and the line foot decoration has arc and scroll elements; the second floor is built with red brick The window in the middle of the facade is an oblique line, which can be judged as the location of the building entrance and vertical stairs in the secondary facade


Recently, I photographed the renovation project of Meifeng building on Yuanmingyuan Road, which was designed by British architect David Chipperfield


The long side of the tower is close to Beijing East Road, with more vehicles


The reconstruction of the original building started in 2006 and will be completed in 2019, which will take more than ten years


The connection between the old and new buildings of Meifeng building and the historical building of Yuanmingyuan Road} in terms of building use, Meifeng building in the sun and the urban space of Beijing East Road used to be the office space of foreign firms or companies, but the later buildings were idle and lack of maintenance


In the scale of architectural design, the old building facade of the lower three floors of the building can be seen from a distance It is almost integrated with the new building facade with a total of 11 floors in the upper part


The lintel and lintel have delicate lines and decoration, and there are also repaired retro brick patterns


The modern minimalist style facade forms are also different from the classical historical building facade


The red minimalist building on Yuanmingyuan Road “architectural photography of the original Meifeng building reconstruction project”} the location of the original Meifeng building is located in the Bund source block of Shanghai, at the northwest corner of Beijing East Road and Yuanmingyuan Road


In terms of urban design, on the one hand, the original Amway building in the north and the original Yifeng building in the southeast of the newly reconstructed building are classical style of clear water red brick exterior wall, and the new red brick exterior wall is built The high-rise building and the two buildings have a corresponding relationship in facade color, material scale and transverse modulus scale; the newly reconstructed building is designed to retreat from the platform on the fourth floor and the seventh floor respectively, which is flush with the height of the third floor and the sixth floor of the adjacent buildings, forming a unified urban street interface, making the volume of the adjacent buildings more consistent, so as to create a comfortable and unified urban interface and public space Common space


The lower part is a classical style architectural line, with many arc-shaped window openings and old fair faced red brick wall columns



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