[academic sharing] Research on the relationship between the construction system and space of the East Hall of Foguang Temple

At the same time, the change data has positive and negative, and the cumulative difference of the final through surface width is about 20mm.

On this basis, high-precision total station and level are used to monitor more than 370 monitoring points on the wooden structure of the East Hall for many times, and high-precision three-dimensional laser scanning equipment is used to scan the whole and local areas of the building for many times.

Due to the massive data of node displacement, the corresponding analysis of its relationship with temperature and humidity change is very complex.

Through the preliminary analysis of the building structure monitoring of the East Hall from 2018 to 2019, the research conclusions on the surveying and mapping and material classification system of the East Hall in the Architectural Survey and Research Report of the East Hall of Foguang temple have been basically verified..

The displacement curve of corner beam is basically consistent with the change trend of ambient temperature, indicating that there is a clear correlation between building displacement shape variable and temperature change.

At the same time, real-time displacement monitoring is also carried out for the end of diagonal beam and some important structural frames in grass.

Bolt Anchor

At the same time, comparing the two measurement results, the difference in the width of the East Hall is about 20 mm, and the difference is less than 0.06%.

Ji Yutang and Mr.

Mo Zongjiang found and surveyed the East Hall of Foguang temple, and made this great building public.

And put forward the suggestion of fine mapping the east hall again.

Based on the two measurement data, the speculation of the material division and ruler of the East Hall is basically verified.

Figure / comparison of measurement data between July 2006 and September 2018 of the East Hall Bay (unit: mm) █ summary of architectural scale research of the East Hall taking into account the micro displacement characteristics of the East Hall, review the fine mapping data in 2006 again.

Due to the preservation of wooden structures of the Tang Dynasty, inscriptions on ink books of the Tang Dynasty, statues of the Tang Dynasty and murals of the Tang Dynasty in the East Hall, it is called “four wonders” by Mr.

Around 2006, Tsinghua University conducted a comprehensive fine survey of the East Hall of Foguang Temple by using a combination of total station, three-dimensional laser scanner and manual measurement, The accuracy of Surveying and mapping results was improved from the previous centimeter level to millimeter level, and the data was published in the interpretation of measured data of the East Hall of Foguang temple in 2007 [3] and the Architectural Survey and Research Report of the East Hall of Foguang temple in 2011 [4].

According to these two documents, many scholars later interpreted and analyzed the material division system of the east hall according to the high-precision surveying and mapping results of the East Hall [5].

The exact time for the completion of the east hall should be October 20 of the lunar calendar in the eleventh year of Xuanzong Dazhong of the Tang Dynasty.

The size of small-sized single components is basically consistent, such as the thickness, width and jump of Dougong.

However, there are obvious differences in large components and spatial positions.

For the East Hall, which is 34.02m wide and 17.64m deep and composed of more than 3000 wooden structural members, The displacement accumulation is very significant.

It can be found that although there is a certain gap between the two phases of measurement data, the variation is mostly within 10mm, and the maximum is about 20mm.

Liang Sicheng and “the first treasure” of ancient architecture in China.

On September 7, 2019, the outdoor daily ambient temperature difference of the East Hall reached 16.4 ℃ and the humidity change reached 50%.

Research on the relationship between the construction system and space of the East Hall of Foguang Temple Author: Zhang Rong, Li Yumin, Wang Shuai, Wang Yiyu, Chen Zhuyin, Wang Qi key words: Foguang temple, East Hall, micro displacement, statue design, ergonomics overview Foguang temple is located at the south foot outside the platform of Wutai Mountain, Shanxi Province.

Through calculation, the mean square error of ground station measurement in the horizontal direction is 1mm, the minimum can reach 0.1mm, and the mean square error of grass rack station measurement is 3mm; In the elevation direction, the mean square error of ground station measurement is 1.5mm, and the mean square error of grass frame station measurement is 3mm.

According to the previous and subsequent texts, the missing word should be “Japan”.

It is called “East Main Hall”.

Take the Bay as an example, compare the Bay distance data intercepted at the same height in July 2006 and September 2018.

The cumulative displacement changes of different columns should be considered in the Bay, so the data difference between the two measurements reflects the displacement data changes of the East Hall structure itself.

At present, the micro displacement of the wood structure of the East Hall of Foguang temple is still in the preliminary cognitive stage, and the relationship between the numerical change of displacement and environmental change needs further systematic analysis and research.

[6] The author’s team set up monitoring targets at the component endpoints of the column head, angzui and straw beam frame of the East Hall.

The end displacement of southwest corner beam is 6.5mm and that of southeast corner beam is 7.5mm.

At present, only a preliminary understanding can be obtained.

Under the influence of environmental changes such as temperature and humidity, each structural member will produce small displacement changes.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the daily displacement change of the corner beam end point of the east hall can reach 7mm.

Comparing the coordinate points of the structural monitoring points of the East Hall in winter and summer, it is found that its displacement is more significant.

Foguang temple sits in the East and West.

The micro displacement of ancient building components is closely related to the external environment, especially the temperature and humidity environment.

The construction date of the scripture building in front of the East Hall [1] is recorded as “built on October 20, the 11th year of Dazhong”.

The calendar used in the middle age of the Tang Dynasty is the xuanming calendar [2].

In 2016, Liu Chang and Xu Yang of the school of architecture of Tsinghua University published “observation and measurement – two reflections on the three-dimensional laser scanning information of the East Hall of Foguang Temple”, which re mapped some shops of the East Hall, and compared the measured data with the measured data in 2006.

In 1961, Foguang temple was announced as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units by the State Council.

This kind of micro displacement can not be simply regarded as the deformation disease of ancient buildings, but a morphological change of the characteristics of wood structure materials of ancient buildings in response to the changes of their environment.

According to the above analysis results, Chinese ancient wooden structures have the characteristics of small displacement affected by the external environment, which is called “micro displacement” in this paper.

The author’s team began to conduct digital survey on the buildings and image settings of the East Hall in 2015, and began to carry out ontology monitoring on the East Hall of Foguang temple in 2017, establishing a permanent plane control network and elevation control network for Foguang temple.

The East Hall of Foguang temple is the largest and best preserved wooden structure building of the Tang Dynasty in China, and it is also the only hall style official building of the Tang Dynasty.

Liang Sicheng, Mr.

Through the preliminary monitoring data analysis from 2018 to 2019, we can see that the wooden structure building is not firm.

According to the conversion, the completion date of the East Hall is November 10, 857.

According to the latest surveying and mapping data, the author measured and analyzed the architectural scale of the East Hall of Foguang temple again to verify the accuracy of Surveying and mapping in 2006.

The inference of the material division of the East Hall is based on the manual and accurate measurement of the thickness of Huagong and ang.

The spatial displacement changes of these targets are measured every six months according to the coordinates of the permanent control network.

With the annual and daily temperature and humidity changes, the overall structure of the East Hall will produce displacement changes, which have a certain law, but it can not be proved that the displacement is an ideal circular process.

In July 1937, the investigation team of the construction society composed of Mr.

The main hall is located on the high platform on the easternmost side of the temple.

In 2009, Foguang temple, as an important part of Wutai Mountain, was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage list.

Photo / chronological lettering of the East Hall building photographer: the author studies the architectural scale of the East Hall █ comparative analysis of the micro displacement characteristics of the wood structure of the east hall through multiple fine measurements.

This data is very small affected by the micro displacement change of the East Hall and has strong reliability.

Lin Huiyin, Mr.

Figure / ambient temperature and humidity of the East Hall (September 7, 2019) / temperature in the East Hall and the straw rack (September 7, 2019) / single day deformation curve of the southwest corner corner beam (September 7, 2019) / example of the single day deformation curve of the southeast corner beam (September 7, 2019).

The scripture building and the main hall were built at the same time.


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