Architecture as landscape | base saphanmai apartment, Bangkok

Once elegance is discovered, it can produce more value than before


Themainpartofthebuil dingisdividedintotwo.Thetwotowersareconnectedthruthesix -floorpodiumatthebaserunningalongthe wholelengthofthesite.Inthemiddlethepodium ,thereisanatriumwhichallowsthenaturallighttocomeintothe“internalscape” space.Itisaspacethatresemblancesanoutdoorgarden/landscapebutissituatedinsidethebuilding , Which is the room of the method to elevate the idea of “iron” through this external interior space


Naturally,humanandnaturebothhavevariousconflictwithinthemselve sandtowardseachother.Itmaybeviewednegatively ,however,withintheconfrontation,thereisbeauty morethanmeetstheeyes.Therefore ,theword“irony”isamainpartoftheconceptualde signforBaseSaphanmai.Itisamethodtoarchitecturallybringexcitementbeyondexpectation , whilestillmaintainin gitsoverallaesthetic.Thekeyaestheticelementintheprojectwasinspiredfromtheconceptof “Feminism”.Oncethegentlenessisexplored,thereismorev aluethanmeetstheeyes.Similartotheideaatattooedladyinadress , It is the contract that is a competitive and sharing office space


This kind of contradiction is like a tattooed lady in a long skirt, which not only has attraction, but also stimulates people’s desire to explore


This authorization is transferred from landscape state (ID: LA)_ For a long time, there have been various contradictions between man and nature


The front of the hall is made of beige porous metal mesh, creating a light and thin fabric feel


The slender curve of the secret garden also highlights the elements of feminism


The main aesthetic elements of the project are inspired by the concept of “feminism”


This uses the method of material natural form to material


Therefore, through the change of materials, form a visual irony, echo the main idea of the project


In order to enhance this sense of vision, the porous metal mesh is transformed from the natural straight design to the dynamic curve design, so as to reflect the elegance of the hall


OnceenteredintotheBaseSaphanmai,thereisapavilionwhichisbeingusedasaCo- WorkingSpace.Thefacadeofthepavilionconsistsofexpandedmetalinbeigecolortoresemblanceofalightfabric .Toenhancetheconcept, theexpandedmetalisalteredfromanaturallystraightsheetintoadynamiccurvetoindicatetheg entlenessofapavilion.Itisawaytodematerializeditsnaturalformofamaterial .Bydoingso,itisawaytochallengeourperceptionandideaofhowthematerialcandoapar tfromitsnaturalstate.Asanresult ,itisawaytocreatevisualirony,whichrelatesbacktothemainconceptoftheproject,Irony, Through the alternation of material


In this way, we subvert our inherent impression of the use of materials outside their natural state


A variety of colorful plants in the garden on the sixth floor also implement the design concept.


This “indoor landscape” space is like an outdoor garden / landscape, but it is still in the real estate, so the concept of “irony” is sublimated again by the indoor space with outdoor characteristics


There is a atrium in the center of the platform, which allows natural light to shine into the “interior landscape” space


The two towers are connected by a platform on the sixth floor, which runs through the whole project


The hanging garden on the roof of the sixth floor also embodies this concept


This method brings people a sense of excitement beyond imagination from the perspective of architecture, while still maintaining its overall aesthetic feeling


Therefore, “irony” constitutes the main design concept of basesaphanmai apartment project


People usually look at contradictions negatively, but there is a beauty in contradictions



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