Architecture Tour | The largest existing ancient palace complex in the world – The Forbidden City (with an appointment guide at the end of

The vast palace complex not only has a rigorous and orderly layout, but also has clear and distinct functional distinctions.

From south to north, there are Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Central Harmony, Hall of Preserving Harmony, the Palace of Heavenly Purity, Hall of Union, and Palace of Earthly Tranquility.

Jinsi Nanmu loves steep places, grows very slowly and has a very small number

Liang Sicheng praised: “There are thousands of buildings in the Forbidden City, as far as you can see, which are more orderly and solemn, with a magnificent atmosphere than any other group of buildings in the world.” As one of the largest and best preserved ancient wooden structures in the world, how awesome is the Forbidden City? Overlooking the city of Beijing, a central axis runs from north to south.

In the past, visitors to the Forbidden City were eager to see rare treasures and wandered through various palaces, almost forgetting that the Forbidden City is a 600 year old Forbidden City and the largest surviving ancient palace complex in the world.

The order is magnificent, and the structure is overhauled, which is extremely spectacular.

His first task was to build a palace that symbolized imperial power.

Click on the blue letter to immediately follow the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is just in the middle of the central axis.

Nanmu is the king of wood.

There are many halls symmetrically distributed on both sides of the main hall.

The Forbidden City is a royal wooden building that prefers to use precious nanmu.

The Forbidden City, built in 1420, covers an area of 720000 square meters and has over 90 courtyards of different sizes.

The architecture itself is the history of the Forbidden City.

It has undergone several vicissitudes and rebirths, but its grandeur remains today! 02 The Forbidden City, how was it built? I have always been curious about how the Ming Dynasty built such a magnificent Forbidden City in that era without large machinery? In 1406, Zhu Di, the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, decided to move his capital to Beijing.

Through the Meridian Gate, there are three main halls of the Outer Court, with the Wenhua and Wuying halls on the two wings, serving as places for national ceremonies.

According to incomplete statistics, the Forbidden City uses nearly 35000 tall wooden columns.

It has lived for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and has witnessed the rolling eastward flow of history for six hundred years.

It has red walls and yellow tiles, a blue and white stone base, and is magnificent.

From the Palace of Heavenly Purity to the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, there are three palaces of the inner court, and the six palaces of the east and the west are two wings, forming the living area of the imperial palace.

The golden nanmu used in Taihe Hall is called “royal wood” and “tribute wood”.

At that time, Mr.

He first sent his confidants to collect wood and stone from all over the country.

After six hundred years of baptism, the palace remains towering and magnificent, and it will always be a treasure in the field of architectural art.

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There are exquisite turrets in the four corners of the city.

Such a large quantity was no longer available in Jiangnan, so they turned to Sichuan, Yungui, Huguang and other places for collection.


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