Beijing │ raise the proportion of prefabricated buildings and solicit opinions on the implementation of high-quality development of green

By 2025, the application proportion of green building materials in new buildings will reach 70%.

General requirements (1) guiding ideology, guided by Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implementing the spirit of the nineteen and nineteen second, third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of the party, thoroughly implementing the spirit of Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization and the important speech of general secretary Xi Jinping of Beijing, and earnestly implementing the work requirements of “carbon reduction and carbon neutralization” by the municipal government and China’s municipal government.

(12) Develop green finance, explore the introduction of green building insurance mechanism, build the marketization of green buildings, ensure that the development and construction units fulfill the star commitment of green buildings, and improve the risk control of green building industry.

For the two-star residential projects and three-star projects with green building logo, while enjoying the municipal reward, our district will give district level supporting reward.

(8) We will promote the green transformation of existing buildings, promote urban renewal and the transformation of old residential areas, build a number of demonstration projects for the green and energy-saving transformation of existing buildings, guide the establishment of new investment and financing models for transformation, explore ways to attract social capital, expand sources of funds, and promote the formation of an endogenous driving force for green transformation.

Expand green financial services, take building energy-saving and low-carbon development as the key field of financial services, and guide social capital to participate in urban renewal and energy-saving transformation.

The full text of the implementation opinions on the high-quality development of green buildings in Chaoyang District of Beijing (Draft for comments) is as follows to implement the relevant requirements of the 14th five year plan for national economic and social development of Beijing and the outline of long-term objectives for the year 2013 and the action plan for the creation of green buildings jointly issued by the Ministry of construction and the national development and Reform Commission, This implementation opinion is formulated to comprehensively promote the development of green buildings in our district and promote the high-quality development of green buildings in our district in a wider range, deeper degree and higher level.

Promote the new project construction organization mode and the application of green construction technology, and promote the greening, industrialization, informatization, standardization, intensification and industrialization of the construction process.

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(6) Promote the application of green building materials, take the lead in using green building materials in government invested construction projects, municipal public works, high-standard commercial housing and other projects, and gradually improve the application proportion of green building materials in our district.

Strengthen the guidance of public opinion, actively carry out green building publicity activities, publicize green building policies and regulations, technical standards, typical cases and advanced experience through multiple channels and forms, popularize green building knowledge, improve the awareness of enterprises and the public of green buildings, and create a good atmosphere to promote the high-quality development of green buildings..

All development and construction units promise to build green buildings, and strictly implement the relevant standards of green buildings in the design, construction and operation stages of construction projects based on the evaluation standard for green buildings GB / t50378 and relevant standards.

(4) Main responsibility the green building in this area implements the commitment system and gives full play to the main responsibility of the construction unit.

(7) Promote green construction and give full play to the leading and exemplary role of “safe and civilized model site”.

Implement waste reduction and resource utilization on the construction site, and standardize the discharge management of construction waste on the construction site.

(3) The main objective is to promote the high-quality development of green buildings in our district, promote new green construction methods, promote the application of green building materials, and realize the energy conservation and emission reduction of new and reconstructed buildings in our district.

(9) Encourage scientific and technological innovation of green building technology, support and guide scientific and technological research and development and achievement transformation in green building design, green building construction technology and green building materials products.


Promote passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings, carry out ultra-low energy consumption building construction for new offices, elderly care and Schools Invested by the government, and encourage new houses to implement ultra-low energy consumption buildings.

Improve the proportion and quality of prefabricated buildings, strictly implement the technical standards and specifications of prefabricated buildings, strengthen systematic integrated design, and promote the delivery of fully decorated finished products of prefabricated buildings.

Give play to the role of green building service support of government management departments, mobilize the enthusiasm of all construction subjects to carry out green building construction through incentive policies, actively guide and strengthen management, and urge all construction subjects to fully implement the promised contents in the links of project initiation, land transfer, planning approval, construction management, completion acceptance and operation.

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Advocate financial institutions to provide green financial services such as green credit, green insurance, green funds and green bonds.

Encourage the energy-saving and green transformation of public buildings, strive to meet the green building standards of two-star and above, and set an example in government investment projects and state-owned property rights projects in our district.

(13) Increase publicity and training, promote the formation of a long-term mechanism for green building capacity-building, organize technical training or lectures, and vigorously cultivate and introduce relevant professional management talents.

Carry out the comprehensive utilization of construction waste resources, and vigorously promote the application of recycled products of construction waste in government invested projects and other public facilities construction projects.

100% of all new civil buildings in our district meet the green building standards of two stars and above, including Beijing Central Business District (CBD), Calendula international cooperation service area 100% of the newly-built public buildings in Zhongguancun Chaoyang Park and Olympic Park implement the three-star green building standard.

Encourage the application of advanced energy-saving and environmental protection technologies and products such as solar photothermal utilization, solar photovoltaic utilization and geothermal energy utilization.

2、 Implement green building development (V) promote new green construction methods, develop construction units, promote green construction methods, and orderly promote green low-carbon intelligent construction technology.

(11) Improve policy support, improve and implement green building incentive policy support and fund support.

The official account is updated at 7:00 or 11:11.

With standards as the basis, science and technology as the support and policies as the guarantee, adhere to the new development concept, change the construction mode, improve the construction quality, comprehensively promote the greening, low-carbon and intellectualization of civil buildings in our district, strive to reduce the consumption of building energy resources and carbon emissions, and build an ecological and livable urban area.

Each member unit of the special work class shall carry out work within the scope of their respective division of responsibilities and administrative examination and approval authority, and implement the whole process supervision, management and service for the new projects and reconstruction projects in the area without adding administrative examination and approval links, so as to ensure the implementation of green building standards.

3、 Improve the guarantee mechanism (x) strengthen the organization and leadership, and establish a special class for green building construction in Chaoyang District, with the main leaders of the district government as the team leader and the relevant competent district head as the deputy team leader.

Member units include: District Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, district development and Reform Commission, Chaoyang Branch of municipal planning and self administration commission, district ecological environment bureau, District Finance Bureau, District Housing Administration Bureau, district science and Information Bureau, District Urban Management Committee, District Water Affairs Bureau, Beijing CBD, Calendula international cooperation service area, Zhongguancun Chaoyang Park Management Committee and Olympic Park Management Committee.

(2) The basic principle is to adhere to the principle of innovation driven and market led in accordance with the green building construction requirements of “safety, durability, health and comfort, convenient life, resource conservation, livable environment and management innovation”.

By 2025, we will basically form a high-quality development pattern of green buildings, make remarkable progress in the “two districts” construction projects in our district, strive to reach the international leading level, and build a number of high-quality green building demonstration projects.

Projects with two-star and three-star green building signs will be rewarded according to relevant regulations of Beijing Municipality.

Strengthen policy innovation, mechanism innovation and technological innovation, combine government guidance with market leadership, establish effective incentive and restraint mechanisms, implement the main responsibilities of all parties, comprehensively, efficiently and orderly promote the high-quality development of green buildings, and improve the overall level of green buildings in our district.


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