[Bilingual News] Chaoyang opened nine architectural reality lighting shows and launched a five-scene linkage surreal AR show

Recently, a steady stream of citizens came to Shunyi District to purchase Phalaenopsis.

The architectural live lighting show is located in 9 landmark buildings, including the Olympic Tower and CBD Sunshine Financial Center.

on New Year’s Day to accompany readers across the New Year in the fragrance of books.

TheshowshowerehelpinineBeijinglandmarksincludingthe OlympicTower and the CBDandfeaturedflowers, fireworks, snowandlanternelements.Thelightshowwillhelpdailyfrom18:00to22:00 untilJanuary27th.

Spring Festival, flowers ushered in the sales season.

January 20, Chaoyang District has launched the “Dian Liang” New Year’s Light Show, the capital’s five-scene linkage surreal AR show linkage and nine architectural live light shows to welcome the new year with a visual light and shadow feast.

The opening hours of the Beijing Book Building, Wangfujing Bookstore and Zhongguancun Book Building on New Year’s Eve have been extended to 1:00 a.m.

The planting greenhouse Internet of Things monitoring system can monitor greenhouse environmental data (including air temperature, air humidity, light intensity, carbon dioxide content data), and provide help for the production of Phalaenopsis.

The butterflyarchidmarketingBeijing’s ShunyiDistrictionsembodyinganfluxofvisitors.Morethan60newspeciesofbutterflyarchidsareinfullbloom in the market’s 5000square meters greenhouse.TheBeilangzhongVillageButterflyOrchidPlantingBaseisadminstrationzonefor “smart culture” .

In order to celebrate the Spring Festival, the Beijing Distribution Group launched a series of reading cultural activities, including celebrity lectures, new book sharing, intangible cultural heritage experience, public welfare activities, etc.

on New Year’s Day, three major books stores in Beijing extended the opening hours to 1am readers.

Special series of events have been organized by the Beijing Publishing and Distribution Group Co, Ltd.inordertocelebrate the ChineseNewYear, includingreadingevents, picturesbyfamouswriters, newbooklaunchevents, intangible cultural heritage experienceactivitiesandpublicwelfareActivities.

Sunrise opens the nine building real-life lighting shows to launch the five-scene linkage surreal AR show Ontheeventof January20th, aseriesoflightshowshowshowshowshowshowsheldin Beijing’s ChaoyangDistricttowelcomethe ChineseNewYear, applyingARTechnology.

The light show lasts until the 27th, and is normally open from 18:00 to 22:00 every day.

The opening hours of Beijing Book Building, Wangfujing Bookstore and Zhongguancun Book Building on New Year’s Eve have been extended to 1:00 a.m.

Beilangzhong Village is a model of “smart agriculture”.

The lighting integrates flowers, fireworks, snowflakes, lanterns and other elements of the year.

Shunyi Phalaenopsis is a hot seller, Fired festival economy FlowersareapopulationtocelebratetheSpringFestivalinChina.

Pfeifer VS Box

More than 60 new species of Phalaenopsis are in full bloom in the greenhouse of 5000 square meters.

Greenhouses in the village are monitored by the internet of things, through which characteristics, humidity, light intensity, carbon dioxide data are collected and analyzed in real time.


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