Circular on “rolling” inspection of construction safety in the second quarter of 2022

(4) Construction market violations need to be continuously deepened.

Basic information in the second quarter, there were 1839 projects under construction in the city, and 3816 projects under construction were checked by the county (city, district) construction departments, with a check coverage of 207.5%.

For example, the number of warnings and orders to stop work in Jindong District as of April is zero, the number of orders to stop work in May is zero, and the number of warnings in Lanxi City in April is zero.

First, the problem of “Three Guarantees and one link” has not been eradicated.

3、 In typical cases, if there are general problems and hidden dangers in the sampled projects, the municipal supervision team has issued a notice of rectification within a time limit, and asked the local construction department to urge the projects to rectify as required and return to the closed loop within a time limit.

Each county (city, district) construction department shall strengthen the responsibility performance and the assessment of the responsibility performance of quality and safety supervision management personnel.

Erection Anchor One Sided

We should focus on “drawing inferences from one instance” from point to area, and promote the quality and efficiency of safety production work on construction sites with common problems..

(3) There are still a large number of weaknesses in the management and control of large and dangerous projects.

Notice on the “rolling” inspection of construction safety in the second quarter of 2022: the construction bureaus of all counties (cities and districts), the construction bureaus of Jinhua development zone, Shuanglong scenic spot and Tourism Zone, and the municipal quality and safety supervision station: according to the circular on “rolling inspection” of construction safety issued by our bureau, the construction departments at the city and county (cities and districts) levels carried out the “rolling inspection” of construction safety in the second quarter of 2022, The relevant information is reported as follows: 1.

Second, the construction departments of some counties (cities, districts) failed to form a deterrent with the determination of “zero tolerance” to the hidden dangers and illegal acts of “dangerous projects”.

In this quarter, in addition to continuing in-depth investigation of the key contents of “prevention of large danger, high fall and blind corner”, the inspection contents of the construction departments at the municipal and county levels also include the fire safety of the construction site, the use and detection safety of lifting machinery, the employment of key Posts and special operators with certificates, the safety knowledge necessary for the performance of the project leader, and specially organize the inspection of the park and plant projects.

If there are major hidden dangers in the construction site, the city will circulate a notice of criticism, and the local construction department will file a case against the subject responsible for the violation (see the annex for details).

4、 Work requirements for the next step (I) comprehensively promote the implementation of hidden danger troubleshooting.

Up to now, no archives of major dangerous projects have been established, key personnel have not arrived, and the local regulatory authorities have not taken measures.

The 33 law enforcement proposals issued after the spot check at the municipal level in this quarter are all hidden dangers of major projects.

According to the spot check at the municipal level, the construction departments of all counties (cities and districts) can actively implement the decisions and arrangements of the higher authorities on safety production and epidemic prevention and control in the construction field, and highlight the primary responsibility of the construction unit and the main responsibility of the construction unit.

Some construction units lack safety supervision of projects directly subcontracted, and supervision posts do not perform their duties.

The problems of large and dangerous projects mentioned in the rolling inspection in the first quarter have not been reversed, the special construction schemes for large and dangerous projects of some projects have not been prepared or disclosed, the implementation rules for special supervision have not been prepared, and the safety inspection records are missing; The acceptance work of large and dangerous projects is not paid attention to, the acceptance work is only signed on paper, and the acceptance data of some projects are missing.

The Municipal Bureau set up 3 supervision teams, which took the methods of consulting data and spot checking projects.

For example, the Pan’an Hailuo mountain zhiyuge project was started on September 10, 2021.

In some projects, the erection of formwork support and scaffold is not standardized, and there are still a large number of phenomena, such as the lack of sweeping rod, horizontal rod and wall connecting parts.

Effectively improve the level of safety essence, pay close attention to work safety and implement it.

(2) The implementation of the main responsibilities of enterprises is not solid enough.

The construction market needs further regulation.

The implementation of safety production laws, regulations, standards and specifications is not strict enough, the project safety management system is not perfect, the number of shift inspection is insufficient, the safety education is not in place, and the safety technical disclosure is not targeted.

In some enterprises, hidden danger troubleshooting is a formality, drawing inferences from one instance and not in place.

There are still project managers, directors and safety officers who do not perform their duties.

For example, for real estate projects, the developer directly designates subcontractors for each sub project and labor operation, or signs subcontracting contracts through the general contractor to cover up illegal facts in a legal form, and dismisses the contract awarding and illegal subcontracting; Second, the project management personnel were not on duty or did not perform their duties in place, and the phenomenon of “certificate hanging” was still occurring from time to time, and the change of main management personnel did not meet the performance, years and other conditions set at the time of bidding.

Third, there is still a blind area in the on-site renovation of “big danger prevention, high falling prevention and dead corner prevention”, and two high falling incidents have occurred.

2、 Main problems (1) there is still a gap in the safety responsibility compaction of the competent departments.

For the problems found in the inspection and spot check, the “four lists” of problems, responsibilities, measures and time limit shall be established one by one, and the problem rectification shall be carried out strictly and practically.

First, the investigation work of construction departments in some counties (cities and districts) is still far from “high standard and bottom-up”, and the inspection punishment rate is not high.

(2) Draw inferences from one instance and solidly complete problem rectification.

The municipal inspection team spot checked 94 projects under construction, issued 75 rectification notices and 33 law enforcement proposals.

The construction departments of all counties (cities, districts) should deeply understand the extreme importance of the current work safety, recognize the current severe situation of work safety, resolutely overcome the paralysis and slackness, and effectively promote the tasks and requirements of safe construction, municipal governance, risk elimination and security, three-year action, fire prevention and control, dust control, radical cure of salary arrears, the “Zhejiang construction” smart scene, and the “four lists” of safety and flood control, The supervision subjects and the responsible subjects participating in the construction are forced to perform their duties.

Supervise and urge the implementation of safety production rules and regulations of construction enterprises, supervise and urge the investment of safety production funds, urge the safety management personnel to be in place, actively put an end to the phenomenon of “three violations”, carefully submit statistical data and information, and pay more attention to the project quality, construction safety and epidemic prevention and control.


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