“First floor” and “top floor” can’t be bought? Architecture expert: many people make a mistake. You can’t buy these three floors

Now there is a floor in the high-rise residence, which is dedicated to water supply, power supply, heating equipment and elevator control equipment


The third is the second floor with poor drainage


It can be seen that the equipment floor should be avoided


Now many people think that when buying a house, “the first floor” and “the top floor” should be avoided


If the drainage system on the second floor is not good, there will be backwater and water leakage


When developers do waterproofing, if they cut corners or are careless, you may leak when you buy a house to live


A friend bought a high-rise house in 2018


Now, in order to reduce the impact of equipment on residents, some equipment will be placed in the basement or on the roof, but for high-rise residential buildings with 20 or 30 floors, the equipment floor is generally placed on the middle floor, and the equipment floor also has a great impact on residents


Now buying a house is not a big problem on the first floor and the top floor


You can’t buy these three floors! In the eyes of many people, house is very important


The picture comes from the network, and the infringing contact is deleted


The first is the equipment floor


The second floor does not touch the ground and is not as wet as the first floor, which makes the second floor very popular with some buyers


How much is a house worth a million now, 30 years later? Experts tell the truth! 3


Few people pay attention to this floor and basically don’t bother when buying a house


It’s enough to live with his parents


However, after these steel channels are removed, many holes will be left on the wall


Now they want to sell it and can’t sell it


Both floors have obvious disadvantages, such as poor lighting and ventilation on the first floor, poor security and privacy, wet in summer and more mosquitoes; The top floor is hot, and the roof is easy to leak


Living for several years has affected his parents’ health


The second is the channel steel floor


These three floors can’t be bought


Many housewives don’t work at ordinary times and start real estate speculation


When buying a house, we must pay more attention


However, the second floor also has disadvantages, that is, the drainage is not very good


They will choose from the area, developers, community environment, property services and house type pattern


Suddenly one day, everyone found that the house was not fragrant, because the house price was too high, the cost of buying a house increased significantly


We know that when the equipment is running, it will produce a lot of noise, which will affect the rest of the owners


Nowadays, many people can accept the first floor and the top floor when buying a house

. Lifting Anchor

Some people will even investigate the floor


They are more cautious in choosing


The first floor and the top floor can’t be bought


There are often various problems and maintenance is very difficult


As a result, their lives are affected when they buy a house on the equipment layer


After more than ten years of development, great changes have taken place in China’s real estate market, from two or three thousand yuan per square meter to tens of thousands of square meters now, and hot cities are as high as tens of thousands of yuan per square meter


The concept of “home only when there is a house” is also deeply rooted in China


It can be said that the so-called shortcomings in the past have been basically eliminated now


I believe everyone knows this


Now many people don’t know the equipment layer when buying a house


No matter where it is, people basically talk about house things, such as where the house is cheap and where the house is discounted


Now architectural experts suggest not to buy these three floors


With the improvement of construction technology, the materials and design of the first floor and the top floor have been greatly improved


It is more and more difficult to buy a house


For example, the attic will be built on the top floor, which can not only insulate but also prevent leakage


If you buy it wrong, you will suffer huge losses


It looks like a two bedroom house with an area of 90 square meters


If there is a leak at home, it will be troublesome to deal with it


                                                       “ “First floor” and “top floor” can’t be bought? Construction expert: many people make a mistake


For example, people who have been speculating in Yanjiao and Langfang in recent years are basically losing money


Generally speaking, it is not recommended to buy this floor, because if it is not handled well, there will be quality problems




In fact, from the perspective of architectural experts, many people are mistaken


The second floor is also good


Recommended reading: in 1.5 years, these four types of houses may be “the most difficult to change hands”, and experts frankly say that they do not recommend buying them


According to past experience, the first floor and the top floor are the most reluctant floors


In fact, in the view of architects, many people are mistaken and can’t buy these three floors


There are many mosquitoes in summer, just as the equipment floor often makes all kinds of noise, and the elderly are not very healthy


The last thing to buy is these three floors


You can go upstairs and downstairs without consuming too much physical strength


If they don’t pay attention, many people regret after buying a house and living in it


In rainy days, the drainage of a building will put great pressure on the second floor


It’s noisy every night


He didn’t expect to buy the equipment floor


House is also the greatest wealth of a family, accounting for about 70%


In fact, when buying a house, there is a problem that many people ignore, that is, the floor choice


When buying a house this year and next, be careful whether it will be “more expensive” or “cheaper” five years later.


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Its bearing capacity is relatively strong and can play a fixed role in building an outdoor frame


You often don’t need to take the elevator


This floor is the reinforcement laid when building a house



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