Good news: Changsha has added another landmark! It is expected to be put into operation by the end of the year!

At the same time, it will attract upstream and downstream enterprise clusters of video cultural and creative industry to settle in and become another cultural landmark in Changsha.

It is expected to be put into operation by the end of this year.

Moreover, it is only 200m away from Liuyang River, with high groundwater level, complex geology and great construction difficulty.

It is developed in two phases.

After completion, it will become another “fair faced concrete” landmark building in Changsha.

As the first landmark building in Malan mountain, mango square is designed by Professor Wei Chunyu of Hunan University.

Location map mango malanshan Plaza is located at the intersection of yadapu road and Chaozheng road in malanshan video cultural and creative industrial park.

Some words and pictures of the article.

The project has a net land of 83 Mu and a total construction area of about 400000 square meters.

It is expected to be put into operation by the end of this year.

Phase I of the project is a unique and landmark art building with a construction area of 55000 square meters, including 4 floors above the ground and 3 floors underground.

Warm tips, cutting-edge Changsha property market information and professional real estate analysis must see “Xiaoxiang Star City”! Please click the “blue word” above to pay attention! According to the latest news of the renderings, the mango Plaza of malanshan video cultural and creative park in Kaifu District has now achieved the main capping.

The ground is composed of 12 “boxes” of free settlements, which is an overhead space; 3、 The whole of the four floors is a cuboid box structure, “floating” in the air; Create a “super awn box” to activate cultural and creative dreams through non-traditional space concept, courtyard community atmosphere, hollowed out light and shadow effect, creative circular corridor, dream roof terrace, etc.

It is expected to be completed and put into use in 2023.

to sign contracts and settle in, which will realize the cultural, creative, scientific and technological innovation industry in combination with the industrial positioning of mango Plaza as “short video incubation base, content e-commerce docking base and new media high-tech experience base” The organic integration of emerging commerce, culture and art will jointly build a “new mango brand base and a new landmark of media integration”.

It is understood that mango Plaza Phase I has attracted many new media enterprises such as Golden Eagle cartoon (McCarthy TV), Xiaomang e-commerce, dangran film, 5g smart radio, mango hear, Yunhong technology, etc.

Phase II will include industrial buildings, talent apartments, high-end hotels, etc.

The average depth of the project foundation pit is 13.5m, which belongs to deep foundation pit.

Phase II of the project consists of three towers up to 200m high, each with a construction area of 76000 square meters.

The total investment of the project is about 4 billion yuan, integrating cultural and creative office, cloud apartment, Art Hotel and emerging business.

As the future mango new media headquarters, it will form an industrial giant, innovation core and cultural new city that will lead the development of the video cultural and creative industry in the park, and promote the realization of the strategic concept of “Zhongguancun in the north and Malan mountain in the South”.

End reading tips: 1.

Effect picture mango Plaza is the first project of malanshan Park invested by Hunan Radio, film and television group.

It is characterized by fair faced concrete exterior wall.

Halfen Frimeda

after completion, new media enterprises of Hunan Radio and television will successively settle in.


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