High end interview | Ye Ming: recognize the gap between China’s construction industry and the world’s advanced countries, and plan the future with “industry” thinking! ⑧

The construction industry is an important pillar industry of the national economy and has made important contributions to China’s economic and social development, urban and rural construction and the improvement of people’s livelihood


Second, the technology R & D organization is not perfect and the goal is not clear


At the same time, we should also see that the implementation of the task of science and technology system reform in China’s construction industry is not in place, the pace of some major reforms is not fast enough, the reform coordination within the industry is insufficient, and some deep-seated institutional obstacles have not been fundamentally removed


In depth analysis of the weak ability of technological innovation and the lack of innovation vitality of enterprises


Even many people in the industry have such misunderstandings


Analysis of the reasons for the weak ability of technological innovation our reporter: what is the deep reason for the weak ability of technological innovation? Ye Ming: since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, China has promoted the reform of the science and technology system as a whole


He has been engaged in the research, promotion and management of modern technology in the construction industry for a long time


Its root lies in the rigidity of scientific research management system, backward mechanism, and the urgent need for reform of scientific research mode


Technological innovation is the core competitiveness


Data show that more than 60% of large and medium-sized construction enterprises in China have not set up special technology R & D institutions, and most scientific and technological resources are in research institutions such as colleges and universities


Recently, our reporter interviewed Ye Ming, Secretary General of the construction industry modernization development committee of China Architectural Society, a famous expert in the industry, on the development status of the construction industry and the construction of modern construction industry system, and will launch a series of special reports one after another


Third, there is a shortage of high-level research talents and low efficiency of scientific research and innovation


The improvement of their core competitiveness is reflected in the development track of technological innovation ability, resource allocation efficiency and from labor-intensive to technological knowledge intensive


The construction industry has long been regarded as a labor-intensive industry and does not have much technology to speak of


Compared with the rapidly developing manufacturing industry and information industry, there is still an obvious gap in the awareness of scientific and technological innovation and technological progress in the construction industry


Please pay attention! Ye Ming, former deputy chief engineer of the science, technology and industrialization development center of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, is now the Secretary General of the construction industry modernization development committee of China Architectural Society, vice president of the construction industrialization branch of China Engineering Construction Standardization Association and professor level senior engineer


Main problems in technological innovation our reporter: what do you think are the main problems in technological innovation? Ye Ming: I think there are three main problems in technological innovation: first, lack of understanding of the importance of scientific and technological progress


Due to the low profitability of the construction industry, the lack of investment capacity of enterprises and the serious shortage of R & D funds, there is a huge gap in the investment in science and technology between Chinese construction enterprises and enterprises in developed countries


What do you think of this problem? Ye Ming: technological innovation is the source of the prosperity and immortality of the construction industry, the central link of the production and operation organization structure adjustment of construction enterprises, and the key to improving the core competitiveness of construction enterprises


Our reporter: in recent years, China’s construction industry has made great achievements and technology has made great progress, but there are still many problems in technological innovation, which restricts the innovative development of the construction industry

. Steel Chamfer

However, for a long time, China’s construction industry has not been able to jump out of the format and development path of “industry” management, lack of “industry” thinking, and do not manage, plan and develop the construction industry as an “industry”


Some enterprises are still in a passive situation when facing the technical challenges of emerging new construction projects, and like to adopt the way of “cramming for the feet temporarily”, Failed to really realize that the technical level is an effective means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises


It is mainly reflected in: emphasizing input over output, emphasizing autonomy over introduction, emphasizing process over result, emphasizing special projects over integration


We must strengthen the ability of scientific and technological innovation in terms of system and mechanism, accelerate the construction of a new model for tackling key core technologies, improve the systematic ability of scientific and technological innovation, open up the innovation chain, industrial chain and value chain of industry, University and research in the construction industry, and further innovate the transformation mechanism of scientific and technological achievements( Unfinished (to be continued) source:   Building industrial assembly building network.


Enterprises are the main body of technological innovation and the carrier of turning science and technology into real productivity


Even for the units that have set up R & D institutions, there is still a common problem of imperfect organization, which seriously affects the normal function of R & D


It has increasingly become the consensus of construction enterprises that whoever can take the lead in using new technologies, new materials, new processes and new equipment, who can take the lead in mastering information technology means, who can have compound and international talents, and who will have core competitiveness


By removing institutional obstacles, opening up institutional obstacles and launching policy innovation, it has significantly enhanced the innovation power of various subjects, optimized the allocation of innovation elements, improved the overall efficiency of the national innovation system and promoted new breakthroughs in China’s science and technology undertakings



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