Inspiration | 35 reference examples for factory building facade design! (1)

With the evolution and development of urban industry, factory buildings are no longer just simple production sites, and their facade design has become a part of the urban landscape.

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When designing the facade of a factory building, in addition to considering practicality and functionality, it is also necessary to integrate industrial aesthetics and showcase unique charm.

This article will use the facade design of factory buildings as a reference to explore the integration of design techniques and aesthetics.



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Once elegance is discovered, it can produce more value than before . Themainpartofthebuil dingisdividedintotwo.Thetwotowersareconnectedthruthesix -floorpodiumatthebaserunningalongthe wholelengthofthesite.Inthemiddlethepodium ,thereisanatriumwhichallowsthenaturallighttocomeintothe“internalscape” space.Itisaspacethatresemblancesanoutdoorgarden/landscapebutissituatedinsidethebuilding , Which is the room of the method to elevate the idea