Issue 222 international information: according to the 2020 global construction and construction status report, the emissions of the global construction industry hit a record high

The EU aims to achieve 55% emission reduction by 2030, which has drawn criticism from environmentalists for its lack of ambition


EU leaders have reached an agreement on the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030


“Because mature BDNF and proBDNF have different biological activities and are antagonistic to each other, we have to distinguish between the two proteins and detect changes in their levels,” the researchers involved in the new study explained


“The existing commercial bdnf-elisa (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kits have no specificity and can cross react with each other


For the road transport sector, these include at least 30 million zero emission vehicles on the road by 2030, as well as more efficient automated vehicles


However, the latest data show that emissions are growing


Australian scientists have developed and validated the world’s first test to accurately measure brain protein levels known to be associated with depression and bipolar disorder


In order to promote the transition to a “circular economy”, the European Commission’s policy focus in 2021 will turn to products [biomedicine]


When the piston is working at the correct frequency, the natural resonance of the components enables the robot to move at a speed of one body length per second, matching the efficiency of the aurella aurita jellyfish


She said EU energy Commissioner kadrisimsen described the decision of the European Council as a landmark event, “the decision of the European Council confirms the commitment of the whole EU and ensures that we continue to be on the track of realizing the green agreement agenda and global commitments.”


A small piston in the upper part of the robot repeatedly strikes the clock, inflates it, and then bounces back


The accuracy of our developed kit is 80-83%


Another key factor is that with the deterioration of extreme high temperature and the increase of air conditioning ownership, the energy demand for refrigeration is also growing


The EU plans to achieve the 55% emission reduction goal by 2030, 4




Among them, eight three-dimensional printing flexible ribs are surrounded by rubber film to form a “propulsion bell”


” (source: )6


The construction industry currently accounts for nearly 40% of global energy related carbon dioxide emissions, and the global warming carbon dioxide emissions of these two industries may endanger the global goal of curbing climate change


(source: eera.cmail20 4


Its lightweight design and soft appearance may open up new possibilities for underwater exploration


However, the inclusion of carbon sequestration and the selection of 1990 as the base year have led environmentalists to criticize the agreement for its lack of ambition


Australian scientists have developed and verified the world’s first test, which can accurately measure brain protein levels related to depression and bipolar disorder






In fact, according to environmental NGOs, the 55% target seems ambitious, but it is not enough to keep global warming under control




According to the “global construction and construction status report 2020” recently released by the global ABC, due to the increase of coal, oil and natural gas for heating, lighting and cooking, the construction industry has become more and more prosperous The industry’s emissions hit an all-time high


As stipulated in the strategy, transport emissions need to be reduced by 90% by 2050 so that the EU has a chance to achieve its long-term goals


Within this framework, the European Commission’s goal is to propose a so-called sustainable products policy framework and, as part of the latter, a sustainable products initiative to expand the scope of the eco design directive


Ireland’s neurent medical company obtained US $25 million to expand its clinical and commercial operations


As Frances Timmermans, the EU’s head of climate, put it, this strategy “will change the way people and goods flow across Europe.”


Scientists from the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh have developed a flexible underwater robot that can swim as fast and efficiently as squid and jellyfish




This requires Europe to reduce emissions by 65% by 2030


British scientists have developed a flexible underwater robot


In order to promote the transition to “circular economy”, the policy focus of the European Commission in 2021 will turn to products


The European Commission released its sustainable and intelligent transportation strategy, aiming to help member states achieve the EU climate neutral goal by 2050


To this end, the “circular economy action plan 2.0” launched by the European Commission in March this year marks another attempt to change the way goods are produced, used and disposed of


This increase in efficiency, coupled with the additional benefits of the robot’s soft and flexible appearance, makes it very suitable for working near sensitive environments such as coral reefs and archaeological sites, and even in waters with dense swimmers.


This mimics the swimming technology of jellyfish, producing a liquid jet to push the robot forward in the water




The latest tests show that the new robot is 10 to 50 times more efficient than a typical small underwater robot driven by a propeller


The new robot is the first submersible to demonstrate the benefits of underwater propulsion using resonance


[energy conservation and environmental protection] 1


American construction site development acceleration platform raceair raised nearly US $3.5 million to expand its market and sales


Within this framework, the strategy sets ambitious goals for the entire transport system


This test can provide doctors with an objective diagnostic tool to assess patients’ various emotional disorders




(source: eera.cmail20 5


(source: eera.cmail20 The European Commission recently released its sustainable and intelligent transportation strategy as part of a four-year action plan to help EU Member States achieve the goal of EU climate neutrality by 2050


American food company bluenalu raised US $60 million to build its pilot production facilities


EU’s just transition fund will not fund natural gas According to the global construction and construction status report 2020, the emissions of the global construction industry hit a record high


(source: eera.cmail20 3


Cover article: according to the 2020 global building and construction status report, the emissions of the global construction industry hit a record high


In order to promote the transition to “circular economy”, the policy focus of the European Commission in 2021 will turn to products


British scientists have developed a flexible water treatment system Next robot [investment and financing] 7


The latter does not include hard legislation, but sets a series of goals, some of which will be transformed into hard legal requirements


By 2030, global emissions will need to fall by 7.6% a year to reach the 1.5 ℃ target of the Paris Agreement


Australian scientists have developed and validated the world’s first test to accurately measure brain protein levels associated with depression and bipolar disorder


For the first time, researchers have developed a new test kit that can accurately distinguish the type of BDNF



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