[jianjiantong] find problems in fire acceptance, which is generally the case!

The manual zipper of rolling shutter door is not provided with zipper hole.

The air volume of the fan does not meet the specification requirements.

The smoke exhaust system is omitted: 1.

Civil fire door: 1.


For the common problems in the fire acceptance of high-rise buildings, the old master of fire protection summarized as follows.

4 The self rescue fire hydrant box is not set according to the specification requirements.


The number of tuyeres is too small.

The civil air duct is not sealed tightly or completely.

2) After the decoration of positive pressure air supply outlet and smoke exhaust outlet, there is air leakage in the air outlet and decoration surface and inconvenient maintenance.

The fire fighting surface is not formed.

The leveling of civil air duct is cut off and blocked, and there is air leakage in the leveling air duct.

The water pump combiner is not set according to the system partition.

The pipes and bridges passing through the roller shutter box are not blocked.

The distance between smoke exhaust outlet and air supply outlet shall be less than 5m.

Fan control box: the fan control box is not set near the fan.

The gap between glass curtain wall and floor partition wall is not filled with incombustible materials.


Insufficient air pressure of fan.



Magnetic Box

The fire hydrant door is cancelled due to decoration reasons.

Positive pressure air supply: there is no front room in the smoke proof staircase, or the front room shared by the fire elevator is not designed with a positive pressure air supply system.


The electrical pipe and bridge crossing the floor and wall are not blocked.

The wind resistance of the pipeline is too large.

There is no internal walkway with natural ventilation length of more than 20m.

Only one door is set for rooms larger than 60 square meters.

Ventilation, air conditioning, smoke control and exhaust pipes over floors and walls are not blocked.



Fire blocking is not adopted in the bridge crossing the flat layer and vertical layer.

One way escape shall be provided, and the corresponding opening device is not provided at the position.

The air volume at the end of the smoke control and exhaust system is low.

The vertical distance between the air outlet of smoke exhaust fan and the air inlet of pressurized fan is less than 3m.

The fire door is not installed according to the design requirements.

No smoke exhaust system is set in areas with an area of more than 100 square meters.


The civil air duct is not blocked.

The water filling test of the water pump adapter was unsuccessful.

Air outlet and air inlet of fan: 1.

Building decoration: 1.

The outlet of smoke exhaust fan is lower than the inlet of pressurized fan.


2、 Fire water nozzle layout: 1 The vertical nozzle not affected by the beam body is too close to the top plate (more than 75-150mm).



Manual control buttons are not set on both sides of the rolling shutter door of the evacuation passage.

The fire compartment is not formed.

There are tall trees or obstacles on the fire fighting surface.

The fire door test report is inconsistent with the entity, and the identification of the fire door is not posted.


The horizontal distance between the smoke exhaust outlet and the farthest point exceeds 30m.


The lane width cannot meet the specification requirements.

The firewall is not at the top.


Non evacuation doors and holes are set in closed staircases and smoke proof staircases.


The parts where the water supply pipeline crosses the floor and wall are not blocked.

Positive pressure air supply system: 1.

No positive pressure air supply outlet is set in some closed staircases or smoke proof staircases or front rooms.


The opening after the reserved opening of civil engineering is not blocked.

Smoke exhaust outlet: 1.


The adapter is arranged at a position that is not easy to access.



The air outlet of the smoke exhaust fan and the air inlet of the pressurized fan are on the same side, and the time distance is less than 10m.

Water pump combiner: 1.


The distance between the smoke exhaust outlet and the emergency exit shall be less than 1.5m.

The number of water pump couplings does not meet the specification requirements.

One side of the double track roller shutter is not blocked to the top, forming a single track roller shutter.





Fan power supply is reversed.

Fire damper: 1.

The setting position is too low, less than 2m.

Due to decoration and civil engineering changes, the evacuation exit distance exceeds the standard.

Net area of window opening: the net area of window opening in natural smoke exhaust area does not meet the specification requirements.

The fire door is installed in the reverse direction and does not open to the evacuation direction.







Fire hydrant layout: 1.


1) the fire hydrant box door cannot be opened after decoration.



The fire damper shall be installed more than 200mm away from the wall.

Fireproof rolling shutter: 1.

Fire lane: 1.



The normally open and normally closed smoke exhaust fire dampers are set incorrectly.

Due to changes in building decoration, the protection area of the fire hydrant exceeds the specification requirements.



The evacuation width of stairs is not enough due to the decoration and installation of railings.


The building decoration affects the normal realization of fire-fighting function.

1、 Building fire prevention and civil fire prevention blocking are not in place: 1.

The fire hydrant is omitted in the front room of the fire elevator.

3) The grid ceiling affects the water spraying effect, and the nozzle in the lamp slot affects the water spraying effect.

The interlayer and equipment floor are missing fire hydrants.

Motor external centrifugal fan: no fan room is set for motor external centrifugal fan.



The circular lane is not formed or the return yard is not formed.

Due to decoration and civil engineering changes, the number of evacuation exits is not enough.

The doors of meeting rooms, auditorium and other places are not opened outward.



Walkways longer than 60 meters.

Improper selection of building decoration materials, especially the fire resistance limit of ceiling and wall materials can not meet the specification requirements.

The distance between the vertical sprinkler affected by the beam and the roof does not meet the specification requirements.


There is no sealing between the guide rail and the wall and column.


The top of the volume is not completely blocked.

Friends may wish to take it for reference and keep the clue of “finding problems in fire acceptance”.



The distance between outdoor fire hydrant and building exterior wall and roadside does not meet the specification requirements.


Safe evacuation: 1.

Outdoor water intake: the location of the outdoor water intake is unreasonable, the water absorption height of the water intake shall not exceed 6m, and the distance from the outer wall exceeds the specification requirements..

The distance between the sprinkler and the side wall does not meet the specification requirements.

Door closer and sequencer are not installed.

The possible reasons are as follows: 1.

Rain proof louvers: the rain proof louvers at the inlet of positive pressure air supply outlet and the outlet of mechanical smoke exhaust system are not set outdoors to communicate with the atmosphere.

The air duct passes through the fire compartment, and no fire damper is set at the fire compartment.



Building communication media ID: jianzhong001 fire protection project is a comprehensive project involving various disciplines, and its acceptance work also involves a wide range.



The smoke exhaust outlet and smoke exhaust valve set at the top are not equipped with manual control devices.

The location and size of inspection holes set up in building decoration do not meet the needs of normal maintenance.


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