Quotation strategy of Construction Engineering

Among them, the price competition in the construction market is mainly reflected in the project quotation


The quotation of construction engineering requires reasonable price


The current construction task of the enterprise; 2


If it is found that there is obvious irrationality through studying the drawings, suggestions for improving the design and measures for reducing the cost can be put forward


will vary greatly with the level of operation and management of each enterprise


Take the price of materials as an example, the cost of material procurement, transportation channels, processing measures, storage, etc


This can reduce the total price and attract owners


Accurate evaluation of cost and reasonable determination of profit can reflect the level of bidding and management of an enterprise, and it is also a means to win the bid


If the price is high, there is no hope to win; if the price is low, it is likely to reflect that the enterprise has no level, no guarantee of quality, and it is impossible to win


Due to the different consumption levels of materials and machinery for each enterprise to complete various projects, the unified budget quota cannot be used for calculation


The former includes government projects or bank projects, while the latter includes project establishment, site leveling and earth excavation


That is: project price = project evaluation + project profit + enterprise internal factors + bidding information factors


Project valuation = all kinds of consumption for completing the project amount + management fee


It is necessary to comprehensively consider the project location, bidding competitors, whether there are follow-up projects and other factors to determine the profit of the bidding project, that is, the so-called high bid and low bid


Add a proposal


The competition in the construction market is all-round, and the means of competition are various


In the following three aspects, unbalanced quotation should be adopted: (1) for items with good payment conditions or early settlement, the quotation can be appropriately reduced


The main factors are: 1


Project profit project profit is the planned profit determined by the enterprise on the basis of project evaluation


At the same time of quotation according to the original scheme, quotation according to the proposed scheme


Among them, the low bid is the lowest bid price for the project, which is not for profit but for capital preservation


How to quote a bid? After determining the bidding strategy, quotation is a core issue, and the basis of quotation is the project price, also known as the project bidding price




To revise the current quota, it is necessary to collect a lot of data for economic and technical testing and calculation


The project evaluation uses the estimation in the cost project management, according to the actual situation of the enterprise and the current situation of the bidding project, studies and compares the budget price, and evaluates after technical analysis


Bidding information factors of enterprise internal factors bidding personnel of enterprises should pay special attention to the internal factors and bidding information factors, because the internal factors and bidding information factors of enterprises are flexible


(3) any project, also known as tentative project or optional project, should be analyzed in detail


The model, specification and quantity of construction machinery and equipment


Quota correction of all kinds of consumption: the key of valuation calculation is to reflect the advantages of enterprises through valuation


It reflects the connotation of the project should be completed by the cost of all quantities, so the valuation is the breakeven price


(2) the unit price of the project with increasing quantities or unclear design drawings can be appropriately increased, so that more profits can be made in the final settlement


In addition, the actual labor cost borne by each enterprise is also different


It is usually to adjust the proportion of each part of the total quotation after the total quotation of the project is basically determined


The project price is a comprehensive reflection of the enterprise’s project evaluation, profit and various factors within the enterprise






Multi scheme quotation method this method means that for some bidding documents, if it is found that the scope of the project is not very clear, the terms are not clear and fair, or the requirements of technical specifications are too harsh, it should be handled according to the multi scheme quotation method on the basis of fully estimating the bidding risk


Valuation is to provide decision-making basis for decision-makers


Because this kind of project needs to be studied and decided by the owner whether to implement and which contractor to implement after the commencement


At the same time, it should be emphasized that the proposed scheme must be relatively mature, with good feasibility and operability.


The distance between the construction site and the residential area; 4


For the projects that can get cash, the projects that are estimated to increase the quantities, the projects that only fill in the unit price without quantities and sporadic labor, the unit price can be set higher; on the contrary, the unit price can be set lower


Therefore, the management fee should be determined according to the scale, structure, difficulty and other factors of the bidding project


The bidder shall seize the opportunity to organize a group of experienced design and construction personnel to carefully study the design and construction scheme of the original bidding documents, and put forward a more reasonable scheme, which can either reduce the total cost or shorten the construction period, so as to attract the owner and promote his own scheme to win the bid


If the project is divided into bidding, the tentative project may also be constructed by other contractors, it should be carefully considered, and it is not suitable to quote a high price, so as to avoid losses




There are also many bidding information that have a great impact on the bid price, including: the number, strength, reputation and quotation of competitors; the subjective intention of the bidding unit, such as whether the bidding unit emphasizes the bid price or the construction period, or especially high quality requirements


However, it should be noted that the proposed scheme should not be too deep and specific, and the technical key of the scheme should be retained


There are many factors that have great influence on the bid price inside the enterprise


Only by grasping the internal factors and bidding information factors of the enterprise, can we have the most hope to win in the bidding process


The source and supply of backup materials; 5


From the current situation and the characteristics of the construction market, for the competitiveness of enterprises, quality competition, service competition, integrity competition and price competition are the core and key


This method can achieve the purpose of winning the bid without increasing the total quotation


Management fee: due to the differences in organization setting, management level, work efficiency and personnel quality, the expenses of management fee are also different


Every bidding project should have certain flexibility


That is to say, the original bidding documents quote a price, and then put forward how much the price can be reduced if a certain factor changes according to certain circumstances, so as to quote a lower price


The proficiency of the determined construction technology and process; 3


Our bidding price and base price are usually calculated on the basis of the current national unified budget quota, so the bidding price and base price are at the same level, which is easy to misunderstand the bidding: it seems that the bidding is the business of budget personnel, and the hope is placed on them, and the bidding competition becomes the competition of budget level


The unit price of the project with unclear explanation of the project content or the project with possible reduction of the estimated project quantity can be appropriately reduced, and the loss during the project settlement will also be reduced




Sometimes it is stipulated in the bidding documents that some suggestions can be made on the original proposal


Take retreat as advance quotation method when the construction unit finds that there are unclear contents in the bidding documents and it is possible to make a claim based on them, it can take retreat as advance and win the bid first by offering a low price, and then look for an opportunity to make a claim


In the international project bidding, the “unbalanced unit price method” is often used


Under the condition that the total price of the project is basically unchanged, there are certain skills in determining which unit prices are high and which are low


This can not only increase the chance of winning the bid, but also obtain reasonable profits


To change this situation, we must first reform the current calculation method of project bid price, and further improve the bidding method


When adopting this method of quotation, the quotation strategy should be selected according to the different characteristics of the project


If the project is constructed by only one contractor, the unit price of the project that must be done can be higher, while the unit price of the project that does not have to be done should be lower



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