Real time tools and BIM tools: committed to the development of architectural visualization

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Over the years, Bim and CAD tools have formed a dynamic ecosystem.

In a recent project, the studio needs to renovate a charming building with a spectacular view of the Rockies, and this VR function can enable the studio to improve the design that may be overlooked in 2d rendering.

“When it comes to the comparison between real-time rendering and offline rendering, the most well-known benefit of the former is’ what you see is what you get ‘.

In the Netherlands, plan34, a visual design agency, used twinmotion to show the design of urban development at stakeholder meetings, which helped them traverse the whole project in real time and show the design from different perspectives.

Twinmotion is designed to keep the process as simple as possible and focus on demonstration functions.

Dotlacil’s project focuses on 3D visualization, which was created using many open world tools in the illusion engine.

Architectural studio kadesignworks combines twinmotion with htcvive to give full play to the powerful VR function of the software.

They found that this workflow enables them to visualize their customers’ ideas faster than ever before and reduce differences with customers.

“We have to cover about 48 square kilometers of land, so procedural workflow is very important.” “We created a height map to fill the context space by combining CAD data and real-world height data,” he explained Dotlacil explains that real-time technology also removes guesswork from visualization.


This enables architects to use their familiar and favorite design software in a seamless workflow and enjoy the advantages of full interactivity and immersion.

The interactive VR live roaming generated by the illusion engine can be used in the whole process from the initial concept map to the final customer review.

Archicad, Revit, sketchuppro, rikcad and rhino have become sharp tools in architects’ workflow for many years.

Architects may not need all the functions provided by the illusion engine, which is the entry point for twinmotion to play a role as a real-time rendering solution.

Jacobs is a multinational company dedicated to providing technology driven solutions, with more than 55000 employees worldwide, covering many fields from infrastructure to space exploration.

When the CAD tools that have been put into use can interact with the game engine unhindered, real-time functions (such as the ability to create virtual reality experience, easily and conveniently display design and build digital twins) can improve the efficiency of architects’ workflow and make new functions within reach.

Nowadays, more and more AEC professionals are gradually embracing real-time technology and seeking the interactivity and ultra fast rendering speed it provides.

Twinmotion is characterized by its direct one click synchronization with Archicad, Revit, sketchuppro, rikcad and rhino, which helps architects switch from CAD or BIM design to VR in a few seconds.

Twinmotion’s idea is to break the current barriers between CAD and rendering software, liberate AEC professionals and make their work more smooth.

Now, architects can realize fast data conversion between various file types created by various CAD design tools for use in real-time engines.

Click the blue word “Revit” above to follow us! At present, more than 100000 people have paid attention to joining us – text – BIM community netizen answer: for a long time, professionals in the construction, engineering and construction (AEC) industry have used a large number of architectural software packages to create architectural design.

The company has made extensive use of the power of 3D visualization in various projects, and recently delivered the first commercial project based on illusory engine, contributing solutions to a large infrastructure project in the UK.

For example, the Royal Horticultural Society recently used twinmotion to create a VR walkthrough for a 154 acre new garden, helping designers explore the whole project before starting construction.

The function of one click direct connection to common CAD software packages allows architects to jump directly from their favorite design tools to twinmotion and obtain rendered drawings in a few seconds.

However, its easy-to-use features are not limited to the workflow inside the tool.

Zaha Hadid Architects takes the illusion engine as an integral part of its design process.

Future design, instant experience unreal engine is a complete set of creative tools, which can be used to produce realistic images and real-time immersive experience.

Fast and flexible real-time technology epicgames released twinmotion, a building visualization tool known for its simplicity and speed.

When using offline rendering, you need to quickly preview the scene, and then experienced artists can imagine the effect with a little change.” “When it comes to more obvious changes, such as adjusting lighting settings, the advantages of real-time technology are reflected,” he said 02.

When plan34 needs to provide a demonstration for customers to explore the design by themselves, they use twinmotion demonstrator..

As a flexible and open platform, the meticulous quality, powerful performance and proven results of the illusory engine deserve the trust of visualization experts, and can use their resources anywhere.


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