Strange travel church architecture Tour

In addition to the low management level, it also means small in the physical sense.

It can be translated into “holy temple of the Pope”.

Especially in Protestant Christianity, because their churches are generally simple and there are not so many descriptions, they can be called church, while other complicated names are more in Catholicism and Orthodox Church.

They all said that Chinese culture is broad and profound.

It is the seat of a bishop of a diocese, which is of course the seat of the Central Church of a diocese.

But when I visited, I found that many words can be used to describe the church, such as Basilica, cathedral, Chapel, and even Baptistery, Abbey and Duomo.

Some are simply attached to certain institutions, such as hospitals and universities.

When I was in school, I learned that the word “church” was chruch.

There is nothing wrong with this.

It is generally called the “cathedral”.

It continues to radiate outward from the center.

Duomo also means this level, but Duomo is derived from Italian, and is rarely used in New Zealand.

However, like other Catholic churches in New Zealand, it is not directly authorized by the Pope, so it is not a real Basilica, Of course, this does not stop some churches from using this word.

As for the cathedral, it seems to be one level lower, so its application is more common.

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Of course, most of them can not be understood, but Tianshu doesn’t mind.

The structure is simple and the number of people it can accommodate is small.

Actually, the teaching in schools is a little rough, but basically all churches can be called church.

The chapel is smaller.

It generally refers to a place directly endowed with special status or meaning by the Pope.

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Among them, the word Basilica is relatively noble.

If we do not explain it seriously, this classification is more like that of banks or insurance companies.

After a little understanding, there are still some things that can be understood.

There is no place of this level in New Zealand.

In my opinion, many cultures are deep enough.

However, it is interesting to visit some churches with history during the trip, even from the perspective of culture, history and architectural style.

For more travel notes, please pay attention to the official account Jeffery 0064 of Tianshu: for travel information, please scan the other wechat signal of Tianshu: nz0278816360 recently, the official account has been very complex, and I can’t even find the path.

There is a St Mary’s Basilica in the southern capital of invokago.

New Zealand Tel: 0278816360youtube channel: New Zealand Tianshu email: 。.

New Zealand is an immigrant country, and of course, it also brings various religious schools, so it is difficult to discuss more details.

Let’s talk about church first.

There is a head office, then a provincial branch, and then a municipal branch, At the most basic level, there are banking offices and so on.

For example, Francis Petre, the designer introduced by Tian Shu, has used this word in several Catholic churches with clear style.

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