Street wall painting: modern style collision between architecture and art

The wall painting with 3D effect is also one of the characteristics of street wall painting art.

The color matching of street wall painting gives people a strong visual impact and gives people a cool feeling.

Such wall painting adds a unique charm to the originally insignificant buildings.

The strong visual effect will amaze everyone passing by! It seems like a car that is really going to be taken by a balloon, a picture like a movie, a beauty coming out of the wall The charm of art is often so intuitive.

Cast In Loop

Now Let’s take a look at those excellent wall paintings! At first glance, this picture looks like an illustration in an album.

When you look at it carefully, it turns out that it shows a scene of love on the wall of the building through the tree next to the wall.

With the development of the times, street wall painting art has also entered our life.

If you like wall painting as much as we do, please pay attention to us ~..


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