Summary of 13 special acceptance standards for construction projects, which are necessary for engineers( (including fire control acceptance)

Qualification certificates and qualification certificates of professional construction units and personnel of lightning protection engineering; D.

application for completion acceptance of lightning protection device; B.

03   Elevator acceptance    ▲ acceptance conditions: the elevator installation, transformation and major maintenance are completed and passed the self inspection of the construction unit.

As built drawings of lightning protection devices and other technical data; F.

2) If the licensing authority completes the relevant acceptance procedures and the lightning protection device passes the acceptance, it shall issue the lightning protection device acceptance certificate.

2) The record shall be handled within 10 working days after passing the acceptance.

04   Fire control acceptance    ▲ acceptance conditions: the linkage commissioning of indoor fire compartment (including blocking), fire (rolling shutter) door, fire hydrant, sprinkler (gas) fire extinguishing, fire indicator, fire alarm, electrical and other systems has been completed, and the fire protection structure of outdoor curtain wall, courtyard Ring Road and outdoor adapter have been completed and passed the self inspection.

07   Building energy efficiency acceptance    ▲ acceptance conditions 1) the contractor has completed the construction contract and all divisional works have passed the acceptance.

eleven   Water supply acceptance   ▲ acceptance conditions: the approved reclaimed water facilities have been jointly commissioned and operated normally, and the production water supply system pipelines have been installed, flushed and disinfected; The construction unit entrusts a qualified water sample testing department to conduct sampling inspection and issue a water quality testing report; Sign the water supply contract.

The construction unit entrusts a qualified fire protection testing institution to test and issue a fire protection testing report.

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Factory certificate of lightning protection products, installation records and test reports issued by national recognized lightning protection product testing institutions.

civil building energy conservation record form; B.

▲ acceptance procedure 1) after completing all construction and environmental construction in accordance with the contents approved by the construction project planning permit, the construction unit or individual shall fill in the application form for planning acceptance of construction project and apply to the planning administrative department for planning acceptance in accordance with the regulations.

Payment certificate of special fund for new wall materials; D.

Quality certificate of fire products; D.

Qualification certificates of fire-fighting facilities and electrical fire prevention technology; F.

Outdoor roads, pipe networks and landscaping have been completed.

05   Civil air defense acceptance    ▲ acceptance conditions the underground civil air defense project has completed the installation of ventilation, lamps and civil air defense doors, and passed the self inspection.

Certificates and ex factory certificates of conformity of building components, building materials and interior decoration materials with fire performance requirements to national or industrial standards; E.

▲ acceptance procedure the construction unit of new, expanded and reconstructed construction projects shall accept the barrier free facilities at the same time when organizing the completion acceptance of the construction project.

A copy of the certification certificate of new wall materials.

The elevator inspection and testing institution shall arrange the inspection within 10 working days from the date of receiving the inspection application.

ten   Gas acceptance   ▲ acceptance conditions: the construction unit and the supplier shall complete according to the design drawings of gas supply and pass the self inspection; Sign the gas supply contract.

2) The planning supervision and inspection personnel shall inspect the construction site.

For example, if the outdoor entrance of civil air defense project and “three prevention equipment” do not meet the conditions, the construction delay certificate and temporary installation certificate can be issued.

If it passes the acceptance, the planning administrative department shall sign and seal the appendix of the planning license.

application form for fire acceptance of construction project; B.

Legal identity certificates and qualification grade certificates of construction, engineering supervision and testing units; G.

2) The on-site physical inspection of the air tightness of the external window shall be sampled under the witness of the supervision (construction) personnel and entrusted to a qualified testing organization for implementation.

If the acceptance is not carried out in accordance with the provisions or fails to pass the acceptance, the competent construction administrative department shall not go through the filing formalities for completion acceptance.

During the record, the construction unit shall submit the following materials: A.

▲ acceptance procedure 1) the following materials shall be submitted for the completion acceptance of lightning protection device: A.

01   Planning line inspection    ▲ acceptance conditions: when the project site meets the conditions of “three supplies and one leveling”, the construction unit entrusts a qualified surveying and mapping organization to set out and issue the report on survey results of construction project.

thirteen   Pre acceptance of Engineering Archives   ▲ acceptance conditions the contractor has completed the drawings and construction contract, and the divisional works have passed the acceptance.

▲ acceptance procedure the construction unit entrusts a qualified environmental testing organization to conduct on-site testing and issue the indoor environmental pollutant concentration test report.

09   Power supply acceptance   ▲ acceptance conditions: the construction and supply units have completed the design drawings of power receiving and transmission devices reviewed by the power supply enterprise and passed the self inspection; Sign the power supply contract.

Project completion acceptance report; C.

Other materials required by law.

▲ acceptance procedure the construction unit shall organize the completion acceptance, notify the local civil air defense project quality supervision organization or competent civil air defense department in writing 7 days in advance to participate in the supervision, and file with the competent civil air defense department at or above the county level where the project is located 15 days after passing the acceptance.

▲ acceptance procedure 1) the construction unit shall provide the following materials when applying for fire acceptance: A.

▲ acceptance procedure 1) the elevator user shall submit an acceptance application to the inspection organization with the approved commencement report and relevant data.

2) The local residential construction organization shall conduct on-site fire control acceptance, and issue fire control approval documents if the acceptance is qualified.

06   Indoor environment acceptance    ▲ acceptance conditions 1) after the interior decoration completes the design content, the construction unit entrusts a qualified environmental testing organization and signs the contract; 2) When detecting the concentration of free formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) in the indoor environment of civil construction projects, the civil construction projects with centralized air conditioning shall be carried out under the condition of normal operation of air conditioning; For civil construction projects with natural ventilation, the inspection shall be carried out 1h after the external doors and windows are closed; 3) When detecting radon concentration in indoor environment of civil construction projects, the civil construction projects with centralized air conditioning should be carried out under the condition of normal operation of air conditioning; For civil construction projects with natural ventilation, the detection shall be carried out 24 hours after the external doors and windows are closed.

The project data (including as built drawings) are accurate and complete in accordance with the interim measures..

twelve   Lightning protection acceptance   ▲ acceptance conditions: the grounding, roof, curtain wall, metal door and window lightning protection system has completed the design content and passed the self inspection; The construction unit entrusts the corresponding qualified lightning protection testing unit to issue the testing report.

08   Acceptance of barrier free facilities    ▲ acceptance conditions: complete the content of barrier free facilities in the design drawings and pass the self inspection.

2) After the elevator is installed and transformed and passes the inspection, the safety supervision organization shall go through the registration formalities and issue the elevator safety inspection qualification mark.

Design approval of lightning protection device; C.

Special acceptance report on energy conservation of civil buildings; C.

02   Planning acceptance    ▲ acceptance conditions: the main body and facade of the construction project are completed, the construction unit entrusts a qualified surveying and mapping organization to conduct surveying and mapping, and issues the report on completion survey results of construction project.

▲ acceptance procedure 1) before the completion acceptance of civil construction projects, the construction unit shall organize the design, construction and supervision units to conduct special acceptance of energy-saving projects, be responsible for the acceptance results, and notify the municipal wall leather energy conservation office to supervise on site 3 days in advance.

3) After the installation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, power distribution and lighting works, the energy-saving performance of the system shall be tested, and the construction unit shall entrust a testing organization with corresponding testing qualification to test and issue a testing report.

▲ acceptance procedure before construction, the construction unit shall submit the completed application form for line inspection of construction project (attached with report on survey results of construction project) to the competent planning administrative department.

The planning supervision and inspection personnel shall inspect the construction site and carry out subsequent construction only after obtaining permission.

The lightning protection device test report issued by the testing institution with the lightning protection device test qualification recognized by the competent meteorological authority of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government; E.


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