The Ministry of housing and urban rural development plans to revise the management measures for contracting and contracting valuation of

11) Spirit, cancel the requirements for the qualification of engineering cost consulting enterprises, cancel the relevant provisions on the maximum bidding price and the filing of achievement documents, and reduce the burden of enterprises.

Further clarify the composition of the pricing basis for the development and contracting of construction projects; Clarify the responsibilities of the competent departments of housing and urban rural construction at all levels in the development, contracting and pricing activities of construction projects; Clarify that the maximum bid price is prepared according to the market price, encourage all parties in the construction market to strengthen the accumulation of project cost data, and actively use information technology to provide basis for budget estimation and budgeting.

Ring Clutch

It is explained as follows.

3、 Main modifications (I) promote the reform of project cost.

Tel.: 010-58934733 email: Contact address: standard quota Department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, No.

16 in accordance with the spirit of the construction law and the work plan for project cost reform.

Add provisions for the implementation of settlement in the construction process of construction projects.

Clarify the content of process settlement, specify the basic process and time limit requirements for process settlement, and propose that government audit shall not be completed without completion As the reason for delaying the settlement.

Management measures for contracting and contracting pricing of construction projects (Revised Draft for comments) 2.

In addition, the specific requirements of credit management, industry self-discipline, project cost achievement documents and the responsibility implementation of cost engineers are proposed in the management measures for project cost consulting industry It shall be considered in the revision work, and the measures will not be repeated…

16 can no longer meet the needs of construction project contracting and pricing management.

First, add the provisions on the construction period.

In order to give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, various systems are continuously improved in combination with the relevant contents of the work plan for project cost reform.

Uniformly modify the “competent department of housing and urban rural construction” to “competent department of housing and urban rural construction”; and uniformly modify the “local people’s government above the county level” to “competent department of housing and urban rural construction” “People’s government at or above the county level”; the “relevant provisions on project pricing and market price information” shall be uniformly revised to “project pricing basis”.

Clarify the content of process settlement, specify the basic process and time limit requirements for process settlement, and propose that the unfinished government audit shall not be used as the reason for delaying settlement.

revision background measures for the administration of contract awarding and contract pricing of construction projects (Order No.

2、 The first principle of revision is to correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market.

The administrative measures for contracting and contracting valuation of construction projects (Revised Draft for comments) has just been released on the official website.

Third, standardize the written expression.

Focus on the outstanding problems in the pricing activities of construction project development and contracting, such as the pricing basis with strong response from all market subjects is difficult to meet the market demand, insufficient price competition, untimely completion settlement and so on, and put forward solutions.

(4) other adjustment contents.

Source: the official website of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development the Ministry of housing and urban rural development revised ministerial Order No.

16 of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development) Since its implementation in February 2014, it has played an important role in standardizing pricing behavior, strengthening cost control and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of all construction parties.

The employer and the Contractor shall clearly agree on the settlement period during the construction process in the contract; If there is no agreement, it can be considered that the agreed period is 28 days.

Reduce the burden on enterprises and reduce institutional operating costs.

16 of the measures for the administration of contracting and contracting valuation of construction projects.

At present, the requirements of provinces and cities are as follows: goodbye, completion settlement! The Ministry of housing and urban rural development has made it clear that the price settlement and payment in the construction process will be fully implemented! 22 provinces and autonomous regions follow up and issue documents! Attached original text: the letter of the standard quota Department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on Soliciting Opinions on the administrative measures for contracting and contracting valuation of construction projects (Revised Draft for comments), Jian Si Ju Han Biao [2021] No.

7) and the implementation opinions of the general office of the State Council on comprehensively carrying out the reform of the examination and approval system of engineering construction projects (GBF [2019] No.

9, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing (please indicate the words “solicitation of opinions on the management measures for contracting and pricing of construction projects” on the envelope), zip code: 100835 Annex: 1.

Please give us your written comments before December 25.

Third, continue to deepen the reform of “release, management and service”.

Implement the notice of the State Council on deepening the reform of “separation of certificates and licenses” and further stimulating the development vitality of market players (GF [2021] No.

With the advancement of the market-oriented reform of project cost and the reform of administrative examination and approval system, some provisions of ministerial decree No.

In order to promote the high-quality development of the construction industry and accelerate the transformation and upgrading, we revised ministerial Order No.

Second, adhere to the problem orientation.

(2) Implement the decision-making and deployment of the State Council on “releasing management services”.

(3) Promote the settlement of construction process.

Explanation on the revision of the measures for the administration of contract awarding and contract pricing of construction projects Annex 2 of the standard quota Department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on December 2, 2021: Explanation on the revision of the measures for the administration of contract awarding and contract pricing of construction projects I.

Second, delete the contents related to project cost appraisal in the original measures.

In order to implement the decision and deployment of the State Council, further clean up the accounts owed by government departments and state-owned enterprises to small and medium-sized private enterprises, and increase the provisions for the settlement of construction process.

153, the housing and urban rural development departments of all provinces and autonomous regions, the housing and urban rural development (Management) Committee of municipalities directly under the central government, and the housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, Relevant departments of the State Council, construction project cost management institutions and relevant units: in order to implement the reform requirements of the State Council on “release, management and service” and promote the high-quality development of the construction industry, we have revised the measures for the administration of contracting and contracting valuation of construction projects, formed a draft for comments, and now send it to you for comments.


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