The planning and architectural design scheme of Hezhou Zhengdong Wealth Commercial Center (formerly located at an international hotel) will

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development on the Public Disclosure of Urban and Rural Planning (Jian Gui [2013] No. 166), the planning and architectural design scheme of Hezhou Zhengdong Wealth Commercial Center is now subject to pre approval public disclosure..

Slope Plate

Website of Hezhou Natural Resources Bureau To the southeast of the intersection of Jianshe East Road and Xingguang Road..

February 29, 2024 to March 6, 2024..

If there are any objections or suggestions from relevant stakeholders regarding the adjustment plan, please provide written opinions (stakeholders should provide facts and proof of their interest in the solicitation of opinions, feedback opinions should be signed with their real name and contact address, and effective contact information) within the public notice period, or send an email to the Urban Construction Department of Hezhou Natural Resources Bureau (Address: 403 Hezhou Avenue, Hezhou City, Email: (Phone: 5685433). If the feedback information is inaccurate or incomplete and cannot be further verified in a timely manner, it will be considered invalid..

February 28, 2024.


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Frame-concealedentrancedoorsisdesigned andproducedbyGlazingtec independently, whichconformstotheEur opeanUnionCEstandard.TheproducthasalsobeenapprovedbytheStatePatentOffice (pat entnumber:4787554 ).Thesteel profileofthisdoortypeisimportedfromEurope withstri ctcoldbendingprocess.Thestructureissolidandcorrosion – resistant.Theframe -concealedentrancedoor hasgoodsealingperformance,soundinsulation, dustprevent ionandotherfunctions.Thebottomofthedoorleafissealedbyautomaticbottomsealwhichreducethe  theerrorcausedbythegroundintheinstallatio nprocesstotheminimum.Itisthefirstchoiceforhighqualityentancesolution Minimalist design is not only the form of architecture, but also the material and technology .