Those outrageous yet charming architectural designs

This thought made me feel at ease as a commoner.

scaffolding adjustable base jack nut

However, when I tried to forget it, I realized that I had already cared about it so much that I couldn’t forget it.

I tried very hard to clear it out of my mind as a large piece of non combustible garbage, but when I actually looked at it, I couldn’t see it as garbage no matter what.

The reason is that this staircase stands there with an overly clear face.

This is not just a literary or subjective impression.

I have found scientific evidence that goes beyond subjective and impressionistic criticism.

Please carefully observe the armrest on the right side of the photo.

If you look closely, you will find that the damaged area has been repaired with new wood! It’s obvious, right? Can repairing useless garbage really happen in this world?!.


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