Two children drowned in construction site in Hengshui

Lifting Anchor

I don’t know how children get in.

According to another witness, Mr.

(source: Tianmu News)..

It may be years old.

After more than two hours of rescue, the child was successfully salvaged.

On February 12, a netizen disclosed to Tianmu news that on February 11, near Xiangxie Lido community in Hengshui, Hebei Province, three children fell into a puddle left by construction.

Adults can’t climb over it.

The staff of Taocheng branch of Hengshui Public Security Bureau responded to the reporter that the specific cause of the accident is still under further investigation and must be subject to the official notification.

“This fence is very high.

Liao said.

Liao, the temperature was very low at that time, and a layer of ice formed on the water surface around the puddle.

On the 12th, the owner of a shop near the accident site told Tianmu news that the construction site has been under construction for two or three years, and there is a fence around the site.

Miss Xu also said that the salvage and rescue began yesterday afternoon and there were still fire engines and police vehicles at the scene until 89 PM.

The fence in some places will be damaged.” The shop owner Miss Xu guessed.

“The child may have gone to play on the ice and accidentally fell down when he came to the middle.” Mr.

Unfortunately, two had no vital signs, and one was rushed to the hospital for rescue.

On the 12th, Tianmu news reporter confirmed from the fire rescue brigade in Taocheng District, Hengshui that two of the three children drowned yesterday.

When the nearby people found it, they called the police, and 120110119 soon arrived at the scene for rescue.


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