Watercolor life of a legendary female professor of architecture at Tsinghua University

Decided to paint a mural on the partition wall.

Magnet Recess Former

She is a professor in the school of architecture of Tsinghua University.

Hua Yiyu’s watercolor painting has a rigorous and regular structure, bright contrast in color, light and shadow, free and easy, and the use of strokes is very atmospheric, solid, powerful, vivid and accurate.

The beauty and straightness of Liu’s style had a deep impact on her painting style in the future.

She studied painting at the age of nine and studied under Mr.

Such a change of concept and mentality makes Hua Yiyu full of vitality.

Wang, Hua Yiyu saw the charm of light, the billows of color, the ubiquitous beauty and the initial artistic impulse to express beauty from nature.

More wonderful content: feel Xu Haigang’s “tuhaojin” a hundred years ago: the daily painting of constiber gave me a beautiful world! Note: please reply “contribution” in the background when soliciting contributions; The copyright belongs to the original author and is only for learning and communication; Chinese watercolor editing and sorting, and the source shall be marked for forwarding…

Her name is Hua Yiyu.

Although her paintings are often rendered in a large area, they are still full of details.

Zhao Mengzhu.

Because of her family, Hua Yiyu was good at painting and calligraphy since she was a child.

Her ancient courtyards, unique folk houses in Western Hunan, water gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, brick towers on Dunhuang Road, scenic spots of Jiuhua Mountain and palace buildings in the Forbidden City The unique buildings of Nepal and other countries have been exhibited in large-scale exhibitions at home and abroad, and have been highly praised.

She summarized that “observation should be deep and add more; Act Jane, The highly generalized experience of “multi subtraction”, whether in expressing the preciseness of architectural structure, the tall and luxuriant trees and various dynamics during the activities of scenic figures, shows that she is using a pen in “bone art” “In every dense and complex architectural landscape painting with the characteristics of oriental architecture, she skillfully deals with the relationship between the whole and the details, and shows her high cultivation in the use of color in the comparison of light and color.

She has had a perceptual understanding of traditional painting art for a long time, and has also branded her aesthetic outlook with Chinese tradition.

She has an indissoluble bond with painting and calligraphy since her childhood.

One spring, Hua Yiyu saw a row of elm leaves blooming outside the classroom, white in the powder, bright and bright in the blue sky.

After brewing the painting title for many times, I finally decided to paint my hometown Beijing to place my nostalgia for my relatives and youth.

Wang junchu was Hua Yiyu’s art teacher.

After a long time, he said, “you draw well.

Aquinas once said, “beauty has three elements: first, it is complete or perfect, and all incomplete things are ugly; second, it is appropriate proportion or harmony; third, it is bright, so bright colors are recognized as beauty.” When the beauty of traditional Chinese architecture and indifferent watercolor are integrated together, can you imagine what a moving picture it is? In Hua Yiyu’s works, the fusion of architectural modeling, color, texture, space and environment permeates his own feelings and sweat.

Since then, the secluded Taimiao temple, the humble corners of Zhongnanhai and Nanchang Street, and even the pots and pans have become the scenery within the reach of Hua Yiyu’s brush.

She was born in Beijing in 1922 and graduated from the Department of Western painting of Beiping national art college.

Learn painting in the future!” And this sentence also determines the path of Hua Yiyu’s life.

After class, she drew a watercolor sketch.

She is a renowned watercolor professor in Chinese watercolor painting.

In 1938, Hua Yiyu was admitted to the Department of Western painting and embarked on the professional road of painting art.

She combined the intuition in front of her eyes with the techniques of traditional Chinese painting and the modeling of points, lines, blocks and surfaces in Western painting, so as to exercise her eyesight and skills in sketching.

Wang thought it was a painting copied by Hua Yiyu.

He often led students to sketch outdoors.

She has painted small freehand landscape painting and meticulous flower and bird painting.

Not only that, she also combines sketching with copying.

Therefore, Hua Yiyu bought some powdered earth paint locally, mixed with tung oil and kerosene.

When he knew it was a sketch, he was speechless for a long time.

Kerosene can dilute it, made it into oil painting paint, and then coated it with glue for canvas.

She began to observe the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons and the evolution of flower and tree posture.

Hua Yiyu’s life is like her watercolor painting, warm and tortuous, enough for us to learn all our life.

All along, Huayi jade is glad to have a beautiful heart, feel the infinite beauty of nature and enjoy the incomparable happiness of life.

Unfortunately, the painting soon cracked and turned yellow and gray, Since then, Hua Yiyu has focused on watercolor painting.

This collection and release makes the picture very rich in expression, and you can see the charm of free and easy pen.

In addition to teaching techniques, she also pays attention to enlightening students’ beauty and love of art.

Tung oil is resistant to drying.

She deeply realized that the more difficult a person’s real life is, the narrower the activity space is, and the broader the spiritual world opened up by the pursuit of ideals.

Inspired by Mr.

Once, I realized the true artistic meaning of “where do I get the powder, rain on the wall, and the moon moves the wall” on the way to Huayi Yu’s Sichuan tour.


In junior high school, Mr.

She has taught in the Department of architecture of Tsinghua University since 1952.

She practiced calligraphy at the age of six, and especially liked Liu Gongquan’s style.

She is an expert in watercolor architectural painting and one of the few famous female Watercolor Painters in China.

Hua Yiyu first studied oil painting, but during the Anti Japanese War, oil painting was a luxury that ordinary people could not afford.

After more than 40 years of creative practice, Hua Yiyu finally found the origin in watercolor architectural painting.


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