Why are there more and more prefabricated buildings in Huanghua new town? Can I buy it?

Under the guidance of national strategy, relevant incentive policies of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and local governments have been issued one after another.

The assembly construction method can effectively improve the product accuracy, solve the common systematic quality problems, reduce the later maintenance cost of the building and prolong the service life of the building.

The advantages of this building are fast construction speed, less restriction by climate conditions, less environmental pollution, labor saving and improving building quality.

Even though the acceptance of new technologies is still low, there is no doubt that prefabricated and green architects are the future development direction of the current construction industry..

“Environmental protection and energy conservation”.

Detailed indicators: no less than 25% of fabricated buildings shall be built for real estate development projects; The proportion of prefabricated buildings used in new public buildings invested by society shall not be less than 30%; Public buildings invested or led by the government shall adopt the prefabricated construction method.

If there is a problem with the “fully decorated house”, the first thing to look for is the developer, Whether there are quality problems in the process of the house itself or the decoration project, the developer must bear the responsibility.

The use of prefabricated construction can comprehensively improve the quality and performance of housing, and let the people share the development achievements brought by scientific and technological progress and supply side reform.

Integrating various business fields such as R & D and design, production and manufacturing, on-site assembly and so on to realize the sustainable development of building products with energy conservation, environmental protection and full cycle value maximization.

The backward production mode of the construction industry directly leads to the randomness of the construction process, and the project quality can not be guaranteed.

However, the materials used for fine decoration are more advanced and will be carefully designed, so it needs to consume higher cost, so the incremental cost of full decoration houses is far lower than that of fine decoration houses.

It marks that the state has officially promoted the promotion of prefabricated buildings to the height of the national development strategy.

Clear objectives: by 2021, the proportion of new urban green buildings in the new construction area should reach more than 90%; The new construction of passive ultra-low energy consumption has a construction area of more than 120000 square meters, and each county (city, district) shall carry out at least one passive ultra-low energy consumption construction project; The newly constructed prefabricated building area accounts for more than 25% of the newly-built building area in cities and towns.

△ the State Council issued several opinions on Further Strengthening the management of urban planning and construction, guiding opinions on vigorously developing prefabricated buildings and opinions on promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry, and put forward guiding objectives and plans for the development of prefabricated buildings.

It is mainly divided into concrete prefabricated building, steel structure prefabricated building and wood structure prefabricated building.

02   CANG   Zhuufangtan – difference between prefabricated buildings and traditional construction methods “manufacturing standardization” takes each floor and household of the standard floor as the unit, and divides the structure into different types of components (such as walls, beams, plates, stairs, etc.) according to the structural characteristics and the principle of facilitating component manufacturing and installation, so as to facilitate standardized production, installation and quality control.

△ it can be seen from the source network that the prefabricated buildings on sale are delivered with full decoration.

04   CANG   Zhuufangtan – developing prefabricated buildings is the only way to comprehensively improve housing quality and quality.

△ in brief, the picture source network means that the building components are produced by the factory with unified specifications, and then transported to the construction site to assemble the house like building blocks.

What is a prefabricated building? What’s the difference? Can I buy it? Today, let’s use the tweet of Cangzhou real estate agent to popularize science! 01   Cangzhuufangtan – what is a prefabricated building? Prefabricated building is based on prefabricated Production in component factory and on-site assembly installation, and is characterized by standardized design, industrialized production, assembly construction, integrated decoration and information management.

05   CANG   Zoufangtan – prefabricated buildings in Cangzhou on March 12 this year, Cangzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development issued a notice on the key points of building energy conservation and science and technology in the city in 2021.

It is estimated that the use of prefabricated building construction can reduce the amount of formwork by more than 85%, save water by more than 40%, save electricity by more than 10%, and shorten the construction period by more than 50%.

△ at present, common problems in housing construction quality have been criticized, such as roof leakage, poor sealing effect of doors and windows, cracking of thermal insulation walls, etc.

New public buildings with a single building area of more than 20000 square meters invested by the government take the lead in adopting steel structure// Under the background of “green building”, the application of prefabricated building technology has been paid more and more attention, adhering to the construction principle of green and environmental protection, and reducing energy consumption and construction cost as much as possible.

△ map source network, therefore, has strong economy and technology.

As early as 2002, the Ministry of construction clearly put forward the decoration standard of full decoration in the detailed rules for the implementation of commercial residential decoration in place at one time: before the house is turned over, all the fixed surfaces of all functional spaces are paved or painted, and all the basic equipment of kitchen and toilet are installed.

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Prefabricated buildings can effectively reduce the amount of wet work on the construction site, reduce labor costs, reduce material waste to a certain extent, and reduce construction noise, dust pollution, construction waste and sewage discharge.

In recent years, when you buy a house, you will find that several buildings in each real estate are prefabricated buildings.

(slide up and down to view) the article shows that prefabricated buildings have entered the stage of in-depth promotion, and the promotion efforts have been strengthened to improve the proportion.

03   CANG   Zhuufangtan – development trend of prefabricated buildings since the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the green building action plan in 2013, the state has intensively issued policy documents on the promotion of prefabricated buildings, and made clear requirements in development planning, standard system, industrial chain management, project quality and other aspects.

△ the “quality reliability” components of the figure source network are processed in the factory, with relatively few component types and unified forms, so that the on-site construction is standardized and standardized, and the component quality is fully guaranteed.

△ from the perspective of decoration cost, the cost of full decoration is usually only higher than that of blank houses, and the cost pressure is not large.


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