Why don’t construction workers get paid once a month?

The reasons are as follows: 1


For example, if he takes one million project funds, he will make twenty or thirty workers’ wages as required


After the contractor takes the money, he will not pay the workers immediately


At present, if workers want to pay their wages monthly, they have a long way to go and still have a lot of work to do


Why are construction workers not paid monthly? First of all, we should make it clear that workers’ wages in China are paid monthly as required




He will pay the workers by the end of the year, and some of them may not be paid in full


The reality is that the construction enterprise, after winning the bid, will subcontract the labor part to the labor company or to the contractor




Therefore, it is more difficult for workers to be paid monthly




With these workers’ ID cards, the contractor will open an account and the money will be paid to these accounts


It can be seen from this that according to the rules, the money has been paid to these workers


The contractor will withdraw the money


It can be said that most of the general capital strength of the contractor is impossible to have the strength to pay monthly wages


In fact, it is paid to the contractor


It is still difficult to achieve in the short term


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At present, there are almost no real construction workers in the construction company


However, if it is contracted to a labor service company, in actual operation, the labor service company will contract the labor service to the labor contractor


The project payment, from the developer to the construction company to the labor service company, and finally to the contractor, is paid according to the proportion of 70% to 80% of the project progress (node)


When the contractor takes the project funds, he will usually make a worker’s wage table




However, the reality is very complicated, most of them are paid by year, usually take some food expenses or borrow money


(the picture and text are from the Internet


Therefore, from the above process relationship, it is obvious that the contractor is the one who pays the workers in the end



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