Words and poetry/Provincial architecture, beginning to abstract illusion “Simplicity”

The colonnade of the two-story Basilica, Lepcis Magna, Libya.

The wooden ceiling has long been destroyed.


The emperor was responsible for building a magnificent new forum there, as well as a magnificent cathedral, with a long central aisle and two ends closed by the apse (Figure 7.62).

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Both emperors decorated their hometown city with new buildings.

Early3rdcentury provides access to the side aisles, which are lower than the nave to provide a skylight at the upper part of the wall.

From the reading history of “Jinson’s History of Art – THEWESTERN RADIATION/Eighth Edition/Jason’s Art History – Western Tradition/Eighth Edition”.

Lepcis Magna, the hometown of Severus, is located in what is now Libya and is well preserved.

Speed reading.

Architecture in the Provinces/By the early second century, Roman emperors are unique from Italy; TrajancamefromSpainandSeptimiusSeveruswasfromNorthAfrica.Bothemperorsembellishedtheirnativecitieswithnewconstruction.Severus’home,LepcisMagna,inpresent-dayLibya,remainsremarkablywellpreserved.Theemperorwasresponsibleforagrandnewforumthere,andamagnificentbasilicawithalongcentralaisleclosedbyanapseateitherend(fig.7.62).Colonnadesintwostoriesprovideaccesstothesideaisles, whichwerelowerthanthenavetopermitclerestorywindowsintheupperpartofthewall.Thewoodenceilinghaslongsinceperished./ By the beginning of the second century AD, Roman emperors were no longer entirely from Italy; Trajan is from Spain, and Septimius Severus is from North Africa.


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