Works of Wang Dong | Hong Kong Science and technology park expansion phase I (Architectural Design)

TheactivedesignincludestheuseofrenewableenergysuchasPVpanelsregenerativelift,alternativelightsourcesuchassolartubesandopticalfibresystem,occupancysensors; automaticreusecollectionsystem(RACS),HeatRecoveryChiller.

Other intelligent functions include environmental protection applications (APPs), mechanized parking system, intelligent lamp post, aconex system, etc., which also contribute to the overall sustainability of the project.

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This is the first architectural design project with the theme of “smart city” in Hong Kong.




HongKongScienceParkExpansionStage1(SPX1)isatwintowerdevelopmentdesignedspecificallyforagileworkspaces,labs,R&Dfacilities,InnoHKresearchclusters,techstartupsandtheGovernmentandeducationinstituteswith6500m ² supportingfacilitiessuchasF&B,meetingandconferencingspace.

The passive environmental protection design of the building covers the staggering configuration of the building to the use of the roof garden as an effective heat insulation system.

The active environmental protection design of the building includes the use of renewable energy, such as photovoltaic panels, energy renewable elevators; Solar tube and optical fiber system replace light source, and environmental protection sensor switching system; Automatic garbage collection system (arcs), heat recovery refrigerator.


The designer adopts passive and active environmental protection design methods to realize the green and sustainable development of the building.

Lifting Anchor

The first phase of the expansion of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (spx1) is a twin tower project, which provides a flexible working space for laboratories, R & D facilities, innovative Hong Kong R & D platforms, start-up technology companies and the Institute of government and education, and has 6500m ² Supporting facilities, including catering, reception and conference venues.

At the same time, vertical sunshades are set on the West facade to effectively block the sun.


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