“Zero carbon” code of ocean going, the pioneer of “construction · health”

  At the 75th UN General Assembly, China made it clear that carbon dioxide emissions should reach a peak by 2030 and be carbon neutral by 2060.

  Green building and “zero carbon emission” have become “compulsory courses” for real estate enterprises.

▲ Yuanyang taiguli project has become a new business card of the old and comfortable Chengdu (see the official website of Yuanyang group).

Wang Yutian said: “COSCO and its partners, upstream and downstream should be a community.

  Shijiazhuang ocean Shengting, as the first fully passive ultra-low energy consumption residential community launched in Shijiazhuang, integrates ocean’s building health concept and low-carbon practice, and is deeply recognized locally with an energy-saving rate of more than 90%, so that people can really feel the health and comfort of passive houses.

  From the early implementation of green building standards and LEED standards to the later well health standards and ocean health building system, ocean focused on the relationship between architecture and people on the basis of environmental protection and health of architecture itself.

In the process of running in with partners, the willingness and ability of suppliers are investigated through the supplier ESG evaluation system to screen, evaluate, eliminate and supplement, so as to realize the dynamic entry and exit of suppliers.

Ocean may value the changes around these buildings more than the buildings themselves.

  ▲ according to the analysis of the industry insiders of Yuanyang Shengting, the first fully passive ultra-low energy consumption residential community in Shijiazhuang (see the official website of Yuanyang group), it is not easy for enterprises to promote “zero carbon” construction in the project.

According to Wang Yutian, head of sustainable development of COSCO Group, in the development concept of “architecture and health”, the word “architecture” not only refers to the health of physical products, but also a verb, which means that COSCO is building a new era of healthy life in an all-round way.

On August 19, MSci (Mingsheng) released the ESG (environment, society and Governance) rating report in 2021..

  As a city level landmark, Chengdu ocean Swire project has been operating for more than 5 years.

It is not enough for enterprises to have the will, but also have the confidence and ability to practice.

  Over the years, COSCO Group has actively built a sustainable development management system, established a health research institute and a health building R & D center, and has a research-oriented technical team to explore and practice building health, covering all specialties such as architecture, hardcover, equipment, landscape and engineering.

Healthy and harmonious internal management has also promoted COSCO to grow into a practitioner and leader of the concept of sustainable development in the industry.

According to Wang Yutian, head of sustainable development of COSCO Group, in the development concept of “architecture and health”, the word “architecture” not only refers to the health of physical products, but also a verb, which means that COSCO is building a new era of healthy life in an all-round way.

  By the end of 2020, Chengdu ocean Swire, jointly built by ocean group and Swire real estate, has fully used renewable electric energy, becoming one of the first projects in Sichuan Province to achieve “net zero carbon” power consumption in the operation of owners and tenants in 2020.

In 2015, COSCO established the product concept of “building • health” and incorporated it into the group strategy, realizing the upgrading from green building to healthy building.

  Architecture has never been just architecture.

In order to achieve the goal of “double carbon”, seven departments including the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the national development and Reform Commission issued the action plan for the establishment of green buildings, and put forward the goal: by 2022, the proportion of green building area in new urban buildings will reach 70%.

  Health building   Ocean going “zero carbon” project   “Zero carbon” has always been an important starting point of COSCO’s sustainable development strategy.

Symbiosis, architectural extension change   Ocean may value the changes around these buildings more than the buildings themselves.

Magnet Recess Former

  For example, at the beginning of designing the Chengdu ocean Swire project, COSCO Group actively carried out cooperation and communication with the upstream and downstream industrial chain of jointly built buildings, and promoted the healthy development of the whole upstream and downstream industrial chain and the low-carbon era by selecting green and low-carbon products and services.

  For COSCO Group, the relationship between architecture and society is like the key to exploring the future world.

From the example of ocean Swire, it is not difficult to see that when many enterprises are still in the exploration stage, Ocean Group has been in the forefront of “zero carbon” construction practice.

The data show that in 2020, the total energy consumption intensity of COSCO Group has decreased by about 16.4% compared with the previous year.

  In 2020, in response to the national call for “30.60” carbon neutralization, COSCO Group determined and issued the Declaration on climate change response of COSCO Group and the “2050 net zero plan”.

In April 2021, under the leadership of COSCO Group, the “building · health 2030” alliance was officially established, which not only practiced the concept of green, healthy and sustainable development, but also enabled upstream and downstream partners to enjoy the benefits brought by the health revolution and help them form a green and healthy production chain, industrial chain and industrial chain, Contribute to the construction and construction of green and healthy communities.

Each brick and tile carries one’s dream and hope for home, and also reflects the change and trend of the times.

Wen / Wu Yifan Pei i.m.: architecture is the mirror of life.

Architecture is the perspective of COSCO to cut into the world, but not the purpose itself.

It has been committed to using various green energy-saving and environmental protection technologies, using effective energy-saving and consumption reduction measures such as staggered peak power consumption, refined tenant management, energy consumption audit and direct power purchase, so as to explore the sustainable development path of commercial blocks.

  From the upstream and downstream industrial chain of jointly built buildings in the early stage, to the people living in the buildings and the cities composed of buildings, COSCO is changing the communities and cities outside the buildings through its own concept of healthy development.

At present, Yuanyang group has established a complete set of green supply chain system.

Health is from building to people.

COSCO’s healthy building system has also been continuously certified by the market and society in the new stage of carbon neutralization.

With corporate governance, products and services, environment, employees, community and society as the five strategic pillars, COSCO Group is realizing sustainable development through five paths: health management, health quality, healthy environment, healthy workplace and healthy society The strategy of “building · health” has been implemented.

COSCO promised to become a “net zero emission” real estate enterprise by 2050, and officially disclosed the medium-term environmental goal – to reduce carbon emission / energy intensity by 35% by 2025 (based on 2018).

From data collection logic research, system research and development, to the establishment of management system, from personnel training, excellent case study, to climate change workshop, the practice of COSCO Group in “architecture and health” involves the cooperation of multiple internal departments, all professional lines managed by COSCO Group, and even every project.

COSCO is constantly exploring the social model of sustainable development in its own way through cases all over the country.

It is not only the carrier of ideal life, but also the mirror of urban humanities and human settlement in the times.

“From green building to healthy building, we will pay more attention to the ‘people’ in the building.” Wang Yutian said that the “building • health” advocated by COSCO Group is not only the health of the building itself, but to build a comprehensive health, including management health, product health, service health, environmental health, workplace health and social health.

  Under the strategic vision of “building health and social value creator”, COSCO Group is building a unique sustainable development system with health as the anchor point.

We hope you can go hand in hand with the same concept, so that you can go further hand in hand.”   And the promotion of sustainable urban development is inseparable from the mutual assistance of partners.

  Years of deep cultivation in the field of green buildings and healthy buildings also provide the foundation for COSCO to put forward the long-term goal of carbon neutralization in 2050 in the new stage.

In fact, another dimension of ocean health strategy lies in “healthy society”.


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